@National Basketball Association

Looks like Wikipedians are having a disagreement over whether or not Nikola being drafted during a Taco Bell commercial is noteworthy enough to be included in the article

Looks like Wikipedians are having a disagreement over whether or not Nikola being drafted during a Taco Bell commercial is noteworthy enough to be included in the article

by glorytocalifornia


  1. glorytocalifornia

    Wikipedia revert wars are so funny, like it’s insane how seriously some people take editing.

    My take? #RememberTheTacoBellDraft

  2. Alternative_Leg9446

    Absolutely notable as was Maxwell Lewis getting drafted during a commercial.

    Finals MVP confirmed for the future superstar.

  3. EmperorSuperJesus

    I feel like a lot of hardcore Wikipedia editors would require a reference before taking their shoes off entering someone’s house. It’s the same website where wrestlers will show up in a company, reunite a team, get a new entrance video and get “No, a video isn’t proof they’ve signed.”

  4. SaulPepper

    I think the issue was that while him being drafted during a commercial is funny, its not important enough to be warranted on his personal wikipedia page. A lot of celebrity factoids are not on their pages, or at most a sentence. The user tried to add the image of the quesarito with Jokic’s name.

    That being said, wikipedia editors could be just as power hungry as redditt mods


    Is Kendrick Perkins camping his page and denying these edits? What the fuck is going on? Why would anyone be so against this fact being included? It’s a FACT. I understand removing misinformation but this is something that happened, and it’s become a part of Jokic’s career lore. I’d love for someone to explain.

  6. J_Otherwise

    Im tired of hearing about it. We didnt time that commercial for Jokic.. they fucking did that shit!

  7. binhpac

    Those are fun facts like you can also read on IMDB on the movies.

    They should just keep it, because its a fun fact.

    There are tons of shit facts on wikipedia, nobody cares about, that i dont think some fun facts make it less serious.

  8. perkinsfor3

    Who have the bigger stick up their arse, Wiki editors or reddit mods?

  9. NuggsBurgh

    Can we also talk about the fact the commercial showed a unicorn right after the crunchwrap as Jok was selected. Like that’s too perfect fr. Taco Bell knew all along…

  10. Dumbfuckfacey

    Seriously what power hungry losers. Almost as bad as reddit mods. “Not gonna happen”. Relax bozo

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