@National Basketball Association

[Stein] It’s increasingly likely that James Harden will remain with the Sixers, rather than bolt in free agency and return to Houston.

>Harden apparently had a positive introductory meeting with new coach Nick Nurse and was intrigued by Nurse’s vision for making the Sixers a championship team.


by EarthWarping


  1. JovialCarrot

    This has got to be the least “where’s there’s smoke there’s fire” story ever. We’ve seen it many times. LeBron to the Lakers being a recent big example. There were rumors for like a year and then they turned out it be true. With Harden; it’s been rumors for a year and they’re seemingly not going to be true. Would love to hear the behind the scenes of it all. What changed etc.

  2. iamadragan

    Wow, so shocking. None of us ever could have predicted this

  3. atlfirsttimer

    Seems the Rockets arent offering him the long term 4 year max like originally thought.

    He made a mistake giving Morey a discount last year though

  4. PowderedWalnut

    I just can’t picture the sixers winning it all. I actually want harden and embiid to win one, but it just feels so unlikely

  5. trevortins

    I don’t think he was ever going back to Houston, despite their ugly loss he clearly likes playing with embiid and vice versa plus they look like they have a genuine friendship. The time the story came out it didn’t even really make sense that he would be thinking about Houston hey just started their first full season in philly together. Plus I don’t think players especially stars like franchise hoping which harden wouldn’t started to look like if he went anywhere other than Houston or staying.

  6. Rapey_Keebler_Elves

    I could still see Harden joining Houston if he signs a contract with them.

  7. NomadXIV

    I truly believe Nick Nurse will elevate this team if embiid and harden buy in to his plan

  8. DW_Jitters

    “You can ISO all you want, bud” – Nurse, probably

  9. coacoanutbenjamn


    Edit: actually this is fine

  10. AzorAhai1TK

    It makes way more sense for Harden anyway. I know people meme on the 76ers but it’s really his best chance at actually competing for a title.

  11. indreams159

    gee you think? as if there’s anyone else who would be willing to give him a contract

  12. blanktorpedo27

    Philadelphia strip clubs must be that much better huh

  13. Admirable_Food_9056

    Now it’s just wondering how many years this screws the Sixers cap.

  14. HotdogIsaSandwitch

    I feel like he’s gotta make a choice. Sixers will probably give a longer deal, but less annual money. Seems like Rockets aren’t trying to give anything over like a 3 year deal with a player option in the last year, but with probably more money per year.

    Honestly, I think he should take the years. A five year 180 with a player option in the last year, at a **descending** rate, could be interesting. (Actually, never mind. This won’t work. This will clash with the over-38 rule. He turns 34 in August, before the season starts. Might actually be smarter to take the Rockets deal then)

  15. thisisbyrdman

    Goddammit. Can’t some terrible franchise swoop in and make him some grossly irresponsible offer?

  16. doflamingo34

    so basically harden is using houston as leverage to get the most money from philly

  17. thrillhouse720

    This is shaping up to be the most uneventful off season in a long time

  18. socialistbcrumb

    He’s signing with the Celtics for the minimum

  19. _s0lace_

    People were so quick to jump too conclusions on the Rockets willingness to give Harden a max. It’s been clear for awhile that they’re not looking to max anybody this summer.

  20. Seeing how Harden reacts when Nurse says its full court press time down 15 with 2 min left is gonna be fun.

  21. Nurse, Harden and Embiid will be great Theater.

  22. LiveLifeLikeCre

    You mean to tell me sports media’s illogical circle jerk over harden going back to Houston because of the ego they portray onto him was all bull? Surprise surprise.

  23. Doctorkdyl-22

    Really wished he was off to Houston. That’d be really cool to see him in red again with their developing young talent

  24. Captain_Charisma

    Smart decision by him. It would be an all-time loser energy move for his legacy if he did that. I don’t know how Philly fans feel about it though.

  25. AlbrechtSchoenheiser

    *The Shanghai Sharks have entered the chat*

  26. Argyrus777

    It’s increasingly likely 76ers will not win next year

  27. autistic_hybrid

    Harden to the Bucks to replace Middleton would be kinda crazy if they can afford it.

  28. Acrobatic_Knee_7663

    I guess Harden will have to settle for only being a multimillionaire instead of a mega-multimillionaire

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