@Atlanta Hawks

I’m not crying, you are 😢

I’m not crying, you are 😢

by Both_Funny4896


  1. spammusubi0808

    I’ll wait to see how his intro PC goes. I think he’s going to unload on some of the stuff going on behind the scenes. And I’m ready for some hawks fans to stop being so delusional. His leadership being gone is going to be huge. There’s no real leader on this team right now.

  2. Adaml105

    JC will be missed. Hope does well in Utah or wherever he ends up.

  3. thessalylarissa

    Crying tbh. 😭

    All basketball reasons aside, I am really going to miss JC.

  4. HemerlingForMitchell

    Has any team ever offered the Hawks a 1st round
    pick in a trade package for Collins? I’ve been
    researching but it’s been tough to find articles from
    2021 or early 2022, when he had some value.

  5. falconhawk2158

    Finally a post about JC for the fans that love and are going to miss him so the smart ones.

  6. challmaybe

    This feels like the first loss of the modern team. Aside from Kev.

  7. AFucking12Gaug3

    Don’t cry because it’s over, smile because it happened.

    The ECF run will always be the most fun I’ve had as a hawks fan, and JC was a big part of that team’s success.

    Love, always JC

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