@Golden State Warriors

The Trash Talk between Poole and Draymond which Lead to the Punch

The Trash Talk between Poole and Draymond which Lead to the Punch

by Windsen


  1. North_Street_8547

    I posted about this clip on here but people basically said I was stupid but this is very believable. All good insults that would get under drays skin. Cam knows Stephen a Smith and he’s very close to Draymond. I’m sure he knows what was said. Stephen A also always mentions that Poole was actually knocked out. I wonder if that’s true

  2. If you believe this, I have some beach front property in Phoenix to sell you. No way no one else on the team wouldn’t have intervened or said something before a punch was thrown

  3. Hellschampion

    Love that any skepticism immediately gets downvoted on here lmao. You guys want to believe something that sounds interesting as soon as you hear it. There is no source for this and no reason to accept it as fact whatsoever, be a little more critical. Obviously, Poole said some shit that really pissed Draymond off, we know that. Other than that, we don’t know much. Except that Andre, Steph, and Kerr all came out and said there was nothing Poole said to deserve what happened after a reporter, who is known to be a Klutch mouthpiece, tweeted something about Poole being so annoying that it was understandable in the eyes of the team.

  4. Hereforspeakers

    We’re really taking sports news from Camron and Mase! LMAO what timeline are we in!?!?

  5. Nessmuk58

    If true, classic example of the bully who can dish it out but can’t take it.

  6. The-Truer-Facts

    I’m not buying this as credible. Funny though

  7. After the commercial break, did Puff come and do the weather report wearing a bright orange shiny suit?

  8. dnesdnal17

    Lmfao there’s no way Draymond “I’m from saginaw” Green got mad over a nephew-level burn. That’s some quick Twitter likes and retweets type of joke. It’s childish and hilarious

  9. 2KilAMoknbrd

    This is some bullshit . Fucking clown school crap

  10. Futuremfhendrix

    He has helluva imagination! He mentioned his family that’s all I’m going to say. They never suspended Draymond because they know what Poole said crossed as many lines as that punch did…

  11. Jimmy86_

    This sounds like complete bullshit. But if it’s true draymond is even more of a bitch than I thought.

  12. GoldenGloveMan

    You have a to be one gullible mf to see something like this and immediately take it as fact

  13. I think it’s fake cause I can’t imagine Poole is this much of a trash talker.

    Talking about your own team mate being out of the team is a low blow.

  14. we_hella_believe

    Warriors always be covering up stuff.

  15. DubNationAssemble

    Think of all the teammates Draymond has had over the last 10 years or whatever, and then longer when you talk college. Why now, after all this time and hundreds of teammates, choose this one teammate to do that to?

  16. vallejobro

    Purple haze album is still fire! Oh boy still good too lol

  17. psmusic_worldwide

    Holy fuck Green is a snowflake. Sure Poole is an idiot, but… my biggest takeaway is Green is a fucking butthurt snowflake.

  18. TheTownTeaJunky

    “Washed new york rapper reads off hypothetical dubs trash talk he read on Twitter as credible information”

  19. Edavisfourtwenty

    I don’t know why ppl itt think the story is bullshit. Jp clearly said some shit that dray didnt appreciate why is this hard to believe?

  20. rikitikifemi

    Wow, this is what we doing?

    This makes Draymond look even worse.

    And why are we giving gossip this much real estate…don’t answer that.

  21. parisdubs

    This is all trash talk – and who are these guys spreading it now? As if Draymond didn’t already talk so much Michigan trash at JP the whole first two years? Ridiculous to have this out there now. Tasteless.

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