@Toronto Raptors

[Roosh] Don’t be surprised if the #Rockets offer Fred Van Vleet a 2-year deal for $35M (or more) per year

[Roosh] Don’t be surprised if the #Rockets offer Fred Van Vleet a 2-year deal for $35M (or more) per year

by EarthWarping


  1. gregbraaa

    2/$70m is waaaay different from 4/$140m although I’m still not a fan

  2. theflyingsamurai

    lmao we gonna post shit from randos now? Rockets sub saying this dude a bullshitter

  3. catch22milo

    Don’t be surprised if Fred Vanvleet signs a contract with an NBA franchise this off season in excess of 30 million a year.

  4. coolmike67

    I would be very very surprised if Fred took a 2 year deal. I know these guys have confidence in themselves, but he’s a smart guy, and should know that smaller players like him don’t have super long primes (unless your CP3 or Kyle). He already looked a step slower last year. If I were him, I would demand a 4 year deal and nothing less.

  5. Beneficial-Luck-5078

    Surprised ? I’ll be happy y’all can have him for that much

  6. cbotter

    He’s not taking 2 years. A team will give him his 4 maybe an option in year 4 but he’s not taking 2. It just won’t be us.

  7. ZenMon88

    Do it rockets. I double dare you. Brooks and Fred will be the biggest brick fest ever

  8. jugglers_despair

    If he’s willing to do 2 years the raps should throw $40M at him. A 2 year contract is as close to risk free as you’re gonna get in the NBA. Worst case it’s expiring in one year and off the books the next.

  9. Da-Wang

    Lmao Fred won’t take a 2 year deal. He’s pushing 30 he’ll want atleast 3 years

  10. jonastradamus

    If rockets can let us SnT him into their cap space that’d be great

  11. jpark778

    Fred won’t take 2-year. The man wants 4 year. He believes in himself too much.

  12. Kevita24

    4-years/30 million per = 120 million

    2-years/35 million per = 70 million

    Fred’s taking the 4-year 120 million over the two-year deal…that’s an extra 50 million guaranteed money…anything can happen to a player over a 4-year stretch, injuries, decline in pay etc. so I don’t see him taking a shorter deal for a more money per season

    I think he might be willing to settle on a 3-year deal worth somewhere in-between but anything over 30 million is too rich for me…I’m out

    If Masai matches 35 million I’ll shit my lunch, dinner, and breakfast out at once…we still have to pay Siakam, OG, and Scottie is due for a rookie extension soon

  13. Huge-Split6250

    3/30 has always been the obvious number to retain Fred and remains so.

    These rumours are Klutch style to drive the price up. They are dumb because they are transparent and they don’t work on Masai and Bobby.

    If Masai hasn’t offered 3/90then maybe he’s not going to. His offer, if it’s been made, must be too low for Klutch to leak. I bet it’s 3/84

  14. Gonnatapdatass

    What’s Fred going to do for the Rockets? They’re a rebuilding team, this makes no sense

  15. DrMaestus

    Do not resign him. It’s really not that difficult for the raptors here

  16. Pretty much whatever everyone said. So many Gs entered the league this and last year, it’ll be impossible for him to get a new on in 2 years.

  17. DarkChocolate_69

    Y’all can have him at that price

  18. Swarmoro

    the player representative just hyping up their client.

  19. Nat_Feckbeard

    I know there aren’t tons of contenders looking for a PG right now, but he’s the best one available in FA there’s no chance he takes a 2 year deal.

  20. GtotheE

    If a contending level team offered him 2 years/70 in a S&T (for fun, lets say the Nuggets), then I could see him doing that just because that would be an amazing situation. But Houston?

    Personally, I think the roster Houston has would be a nightmare to play with – they have so many guys who were hyped to be #1 options. Like, how do you keep Green, Sengun, Whitmore, Amen, Porter and Smith happy? If you sign Fred & Brook (for example), you’d have 8 guys on the roster that would be considered major busts (outside of maybe Amen) if they scored under 10ppg. And how many teams have 8 guys who score 10ppg? I guarantee you’d have a couple miserable players.

    I’ll be honest, I think that the Rockets have a lot of really good young talent, but if I was a vet, that would be one of the last teams I’d want to play for. I mean, he’s a guy who has been in the league for 7 years, is married, and has two kids. Does he really want to go to one of the worst teams in the league, with a bunch of guys just out of high school? And even though I think Green and Sengun are going to be good, and there’s a lot of potential with Amen and Whitmore, there’s also no “sure thing” superstar on the team. I’d much rather go to a team like OKC, with Shai, Dallas with Luka, etc.

    Don’t get me wrong, I think he’ll follow the money. But if we’re offering more long term cash, then I’d be very surprised if he chooses Houston instead. Aside from the state tax thing, and the city of Houston, I can’t see why any free agent would pick the Rockets if the cash is even elsewhere. I think they’ll need to put out a big offer and outbid other teams to get the free agents.

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