@Atlanta Hawks

What’s your favorite moments of JC?


Four dunks in his debut game.

The winning shot over Muscala. (

The monster putback dunk against Cavs. (

The crazy double pump move against Valanciunas. (

The alley-oop dunk which ended G1 ESF. (

The block against Harris which saved G5 ESF. (

The dunk which guillotined Embiid the bitch. (

The off back board dunks, especially the one in G1 ECF. (,

The clutch three pointer cut it to one, G1 ECF. (

Every time he bounced in and got the ball back soon and made a 45 degree three pointer. I just don’t know how this silly play succeeds every single time.

I miss this guy.

by z_c_berus


  1. tbiscuit7

    His Summer League dunks were fucking insane

  2. Renverseur

    CAW CAW during interview with Shaq and co during the playoffs

  3. AjaniFortune500

    >The dunk which guillotined Embiid the bitch.


  4. Radimov79

    The press conference with Embiid’s t-shirt. It’s one of the best moments I remember as a Hawks fan.

  5. Atownbomber

    JC took a pic with my bud and I after a game. It was his birthday – Iā€™m just gonna miss JC being a good dude. Hope he does well in Utah!

  6. FreeThrowShow

    That time he got traded for a second round pick

  7. RidsBabs

    Can I say him coming back to Atlanta in the future? On a respectable salary to throw down his dunks again.

  8. peppercorns666

    my son and i getting to meet him before the start of his rookie year. dude was so humble and nice. heā€™s exactly who you want to rep the team. gave my son a ton of signed stuff.

  9. BeaglesGoAroo

    I need a video of all these highlights.

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