
The SHIFTIEST 1v1 We’ve Filmed Yet Gets TOXIC…

In this highly anticipated matchup, we bring you two extraordinary guards who possess an electrifying presence on the court. Get ready to witness the mind-blowing skills and captivating play styles of Scar and Keshon, as they go head-to-head in a battle that will leave you on the edge of your seats.

These two players bring an unparalleled intensity to the game. Prepare to be amazed as they showcase their mesmerizing dribbling skills and lightning-fast moves that will make your jaw drop.

Scar and Keshon’s match is undoubtedly one of the shiftiest showdowns we’ve witnessed so far. Each possession will have you holding your breath as they navigate through tight defense and create scoring opportunities with their incredible agility and finesse.

Join us as we delve into this thrilling basketball clash, where the next chapter of their rivalry unfolds. Don’t miss out on the electrifying action, as Scar and Keshon bring their A-game and showcase why they are considered some of the most exciting guards in the game.

Get ready to witness the unstoppable force meets the immovable object. Buckle up and prepare for an unforgettable experience as we present to you Scar vs Keshon in this exhilarating basketball matchup. Sit back, relax, and enjoy the show!

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  1. I hate when the bum ass niggas on side line talk shit like they can hoop🤣

  2. This my favorite matchup, big fan of both ballers, they came to kill, and nobody backing down.

  3. Scars attacking is incredible, if he was consistently hitting his jump shots he’d be completely unstoppable.

  4. Definitely shoulda been 2-0.. He can’t compete with scar fr fr, scar really coulda scored everytime taking it in but he was settling for jump shots

  5. From the title I thought this was gonna be one of the crazier games but was a little weak to me. Shit ton of misses and Scar be playing too much, attack more would’ve been easy work

  6. no way scar should lose game 3 even if his jumper not falling.. dude just cannot guard him when he attack thats why he was begging him to shoot

  7. Scar mite be the most talented player on Next Chapter but he’s mentally weak. He plays with his food too much and when things looked like they weren’t going his way he started complaining and nit wanting to respect the refs calls lol. He shoulda EASILY won both gms, as good as homie was he couldn’t stop Scar from gettin to the rim fr.

  8. Scarr the type of b-ball player u hate playing with, thinks he does nothing wrong/knows it all , thinks he doesn’t travel an even worse thinks he can shoot lol handles are top tier tho

  9. Scar has such a young player’s mentality. It should have been 2-0 in his favor easily.

  10. Scar played into his hands way too much! Settling for jumpers instead of getting to the cup & giving him space to shoot just wasn’t smart

  11. That crossover move scar pulled in the second game was very impressive .. Scar is the most talented of any of the next chapter players

  12. Scar play with too much ego. He can't be stopped attacking the rack and he lost game one. Game 2, I can tell he got in his own head and his pride was hurt. Do what works until they stop it, then go to your bag.

  13. Scar gotta go to the rack after the first foul every time. MAKE HIM FOUL YOU AND GET A FREEBIE

  14. Scar does not use the midrange enough everything is either a 3 or to the cup.

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