@Golden State Warriors

Championship squad nearly all gone 💍

Championship squad nearly all gone 💍

by NaiveNeck984


  1. DragonTigerSword

    It’s only about half, that’s not nearly all gone.

  2. Kdog122025

    The starters and one draft class. Yeesh.

  3. taygads

    I mean if more than half (two-way players don’t count since they couldn’t play on the playoffs) are still there means “almost all gone” then sure lol

  4. warriors2021

    Yet all 5 of our starters are still here 🙂

  5. gr8aanand

    Only 3 of them made a legitimate impact in the playoffs. Our core is still here and the window is still very much open.

  6. DWGrithiff

    Why is Iguodala shaded out in the second photo like he’s not still on the roster? And before you say “cause he’s retiring duh,” ask yourself: is he…?

  7. RidiculousNickk

    5/6 & 6/9 of the most important players are still on the roster.

  8. System_Lower

    All the good players are still here.
    We will add more players.
    Free Agency hasn’t started yet!!!!!!!!!

  9. joy_divizion

    Man… this teams hustle and chemistry made every play flow so well during the 22’ run

  10. Swaggletooth789

    You need to put Dray vanishing like Thanos snapped lol

  11. Therealomerali

    If the Raptors waive Otto, we need to pick him up.

  12. mordakka

    I’d imagine that’s pretty standard after 2 years. Lots of turnover in the biz.

  13. that_oneguy-

    Bjelica, Otto porter jr., and Poole before the punch was the biggest losses. Miss those 2 vets immensely.

  14. cock-a-dooodle-do

    I don’t think you understand the meaning of “nearly all”.

  15. FallacyFrank

    Is having 8 guys from that squad (and all 5 starters) really “nearly all gone”?

  16. sonegreat

    You kinda have to. Not only due to the salary cap but just for fresh bodies. Most NBA players are not multiple playoff runs in consecutive years type of athletes.

  17. edbi408

    The ones that matter are still here.

    Edit: before I get downvoted to hell, yes JP and other role players matter and were incredibly important during that run. Just mean that the pieces that are a must for a deep run are still here.

  18. Witty_Tonight_6478

    The vibes of the 2022 team is just different. Pretty mature bench players that are content even if they’re not playing and just haves fun every game, even if it’s just celebrating at the bench.

    Some nice vets in there too with belly n otto 👌🏼 miss that team so much

  19. resiliant_user

    JP had a spot right next to Steph. What a change

  20. Overall-Surround-925

    The only greyed out one that I’m upset about is Otto. But then again, he kinda fell apart after leaving too, so maybe for our sake it worked out. I guess what I’m saying is I wish he would’ve stayed and duplicated the year be had for us.

  21. HoboNoob

    GP2, moody and Kuminga aren’t safe either. I feel like cp2 won’t be the last addition

  22. AmaznAzn23

    As long as the first 3 in the front row are here, we are going to have a chance….

  23. Nearly _half_ gone… 9 gone 8 still here

  24. ProfessionalBid5582

    Only two of those guys maybe 3 actually impacted that run

  25. gnofieBhpoT

    Just enjoy the time we have with Looney while we have it. Everyone else is replaceable.

  26. sh1r0_n3k0

    OPJ really played his best season with us, got a ring, then mostly not playing any meaningful minutes the entire last season with the Raptors. Would love to see him come back with another vet min in the near future.

  27. almostasenpai

    Klay almost looks like he got grayed out

  28. dating_derp

    One of the many reasons why it’s so hard to have a dynasty. It requires a good bench who prove themselves worth more than their contract, and then they leave to get a bag elsewhere.

  29. RawrGeeBe

    Luckily, the core contributors remaining are all on the left side.

  30. ctong21

    Biggest loss isn’t pictured, Mike Brown

  31. Expert-Confusion9431

    Hopefully they can somehow find a shooting big like Bjelica and Otto this summer

  32. GhostTrees

    I mean, 5 starters and 3 legit bench guys still being here is awesome.

  33. ObjectiveBBallFan

    OPJ looks so much like Wilt in this picture.

  34. mommadotco15

    Lost in this picture is that GP2 was technically grayed out for a little while

  35. Bahamut_Prime

    Culling the weak!

    I’m still sad though…

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