@Boston Celtics

Anyone see this yet? Getting Pat Bev for the minimum would be huge.

Anyone see this yet? Getting Pat Bev for the minimum would be huge.

by Jumpslikeawhitekid


  1. zeiveen

    I feel like he tries too hard to be divisive. Hopefully, our “good vibes” locker room can rub it off of him in the right way.

  2. grabexiaugh

    Hmmm I really don’t want to root for this guy.

    Any other guards wanna take the vet min??

  3. Wouldn’t mind Pat Bev. Dennis Smith Jr would be cool too

  4. snicklefritzforu

    Ah yes the always reliable @JT_MVP100. Always breaking news.

  5. Fuckblackhorses

    Shit I don’t really like pat bev but I doubt we’d get anyone better on a vet min if he’s willing to take that and come off the bench

  6. singingbatman27

    I like this. He’s an asshole, but this team needs an asshole or two

  7. A-Confused-Comet

    How is he as a locker room guy? He is quite a character in public, not sure it’s good for the peaceful locker room

  8. Eaglewings45

    Hes garbage. Offense is damn near nonexistent. Defense is overrated. 0 self awareness and 1 million arrogance points. You couldn’t pay me to want him

  9. mdmcnally1213

    Would rather watch JD get some regular season run than signing this guy.

  10. tiakeuta

    Little secret about Pat Bev, his reputation is that hes good at defense, the funny thing is that he is not. Not good at all.

  11. MacDaddyJones

    Dude will be 35 this season. No thanks.

  12. Coco1520

    I think we’re all trying to replace smarts loss with a lesser but similar player, pat bev is not that guy anymore.

    I think we need to accept we’re making a conscious change in style and replacing smart with a worse version doesn’t make much sense.

  13. FloweredWallpaper

    Hey, at least the Celtics could have a proven *”take camera from photographer and show* *~~missed call~~* *image to official during timeouts”* guy on the bench. That’s important these days.

  14. evantime

    If he’s willing to sign for the vet min the Celtics will be lucky to get him at below market.

    With Marcus gone, this team needs toughness and grit Beverly could help with that.

  15. Plastic_Database_645

    He’s an asshole. Watch him run his mouth saying he’s the reason for Banner 18 should we win it all next year.

    I’d rather bet for JD Davidson as a back up PG.

  16. Ok_Seaweed_9452

    this sub really hate vets, huh…

  17. renegradermax

    I’d rather sign a random from this sub to the minimum than pat bev

  18. lcgatorade

    Pritchard AND JD are better. What even is that source anyway?

  19. jambr380

    I threw out his name a couple of weeks ago as an option to replace one of our soon to be traded guards – I still can’t believe it was Marcus :0(

    He’s not great, but he does add a little toughness and would probably understand his role. I remember him speaking highly about the Celtics when he was doing some of his broadcast work. It sounded like he wanted to be part of our organization – apparently that’s true.

  20. freehugandkiss

    So basically Marcus Smart on crack

  21. Apprehensive_Let_828

    Much prefer Bev over Pritchard. Pritchard is nice sparkplug in the regular season but is completely unplayable in the playoffs because of his size. You can get at least get some menace minutes out of Bev.

  22. Xekshek33

    Other than if we trade Malcolm or PP, do Celtics fans really want him?

    Personally, I am not a fan of his. Lacks offense and his defense is waaaaay down compared to a few years ago.

    Yeah he likes to chirp and be that guy, but just not sure he would fit with us

  23. daphantommenaceliker

    Lmfao I swore I wasn’t going to post on here again but how on earth have standards on here gotten so low that you’re sharing sourced reports from “JT_MVP100” as stuff to even waste breath on.

  24. yeahthatslogical

    Why is a random twitter account being posted like it’s reputable?

  25. Pat Bev is a massive negative on the offensive end, and overrated on the defensive end. Honestly he probably shouldn’t be in the league.

  26. gfatcho


  27. BlueRibbonBets

    Everyone in these comments not realizing his biggest asset is what Pat brings to the locker room.

    He’s signing a vet Min. Why are y’all acting like he’s going to be running 25+ min a night? He’s a culture guy which would be great in the wake of Smart being shipped out. Suddenly everyone’s a scout watching tape 😂😂

  28. Celts121180

    I think if we sign any guard that is capable of playing point and we will hear rumblings of Pritchard asking out again.

  29. ecclectic_collector

    is there an actual reporter saying this and not JT_MVP100?

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