@Los Angeles Clippers

[Woj] Clippers are waiving Eric Gordon

[Woj] Clippers are waiving Eric Gordon

by bigblack3475


  1. Banditkiller3001

    Surprised they didn’t try flipping him. Either that or nobody wanted him for that money

  2. LessThanBlake

    This is a pretty bad sign imo. They presumably couldn’t find a taker for Gordon and ended up unable to use his contract for anything bigger. Big yikes

  3. nickmartxn

    Terrible asset management lol gave Luke away for a 35 yo who played half a season

  4. UrDadsFave

    Not a single team was about to pay that man $21 million. Bet he signs for the minimum.

  5. PeaDiscombobulated80

    We traded Luke Kennard and Cam Whitmore for 22 games of Eric Gordon. Yikes

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