@National Basketball Association

[Sreeker] oh so NOW Kyrie believes in the suns rotation

oh so NOW Kyrie believes in the suns rotation

This is a reference to Kyrie believing the earth is flat and does not rotate around the sun and him approaching the sun and being interested in their new rotation and wanting to join their team.

by kaostriker


  1. sushimoney

    Honestly how many teams are willing to pay him a max ?

  2. im____new____here

    but wouldnt it be the earths rotation

  3. browndude10

    this dude has taken old tweets from other people on twitter in the past and posted it as his own

  4. knicksin7even

    It would be funny but Kyrie is all into that astrology shit

  5. grilledcheesy11

    Asked for his reaction Kyrie had a pretty flat look

  6. Trap_Muffin

    Yeah…. shwing and a miss. I don’t think believing in the Suns rotation and flat earth theory are mutually exclusive

  7. lxshadynastyxl

    Technically earth does not rotate around the sun. It revolves around the sun and rotates on its axis

  8. CheetahSperm18

    Now THIS is quality off-season material

  9. SnooPies5622

    The best jokes, of course, require a paragraph explanation and even then don’t really work

  10. Balls_of_Adamanthium

    Twitter really is people stealing and reposting other people’s jokes. I’ve seen this one all over the app.

  11. The tweet was funny, we all got what he meant, you thread ruining nerds can stfu now.


  12. lloydgross24

    I saw that tweet earlier and didn’t get it. I’m glad someone actually took the time to explain it cuz I’m an idiot.

  13. Thirdandrenfrow

    Suns are too Star powered, I don’t see much rotation considering their lack of depth on the bench

  14. Virtual_Rent_616

    Guess even the suns have finally won Kyrie over! 😂

  15. Disastrous-Durian607

    Didn’t he say he doesn’t actually believe that, he Just said it to make a point about people judging others beliefs?

  16. Ok-Benefit1425

    Posters like sreekyshooter are the only thing I miss about being on Twitter.

  17. Jumpy-Damage5313

    Haha, Kyrie finally caught some sunshine in Phoenix! ☀️

  18. YellowRobeSmith

    if kyrie goes to the suns, then it definitely is full circle. ba da dum dum tssssssssssssssss.

  19. I don’t think he does. More likely “If earth doesn’t rotate, why would the suns?”

  20. giraffevomitfacts

    He never said the sun didn’t rotate.

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