@New York Knicks

D Rose is Officially Gone 😢

D Rose is Officially Gone 😢

by Accomplished-Hawk909


  1. T-Bills

    What Thibs feels like RN but he needs to double up his Rogaine to look anywhere close to that

  2. PorzingisDingus

    Once a Knick, always a Knick. Absolute legend. Complete class act. I wish him well, and love that he got paid. I think Memphis needs him more than anywhere else, so I’m glad he’s going to be able to help mentor more of the next generation.

  3. BigBill099

    Weird how people give this man a free pass for going AWOL. I’ll get downvoted but it’s a fact.

  4. ReallyF33lingIt

    He’ll be great for Ja if he’s willing to listen

  5. LetsGetPickled

    Would’ve died for him after the 2021 season. Sad he got injured and hasn’t looked the same since then. I hope he can win a ring somewhere before he retires

  6. I think my favorite D Rose Knick moment was the post game interview when Breen told him that Mitch’s foot was broken. I’ll never forget that. The man is all heart 🍻

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