@Milwaukee Bucks

Why isn’t there any news on Thanasty’s contract negotiations???

Why isn’t there any news on Thanasty’s contract negotiations???

by zs15


  1. Think_Sympathy_5565

    Because he’s the 15th best player on the Bucks?

  2. KorgG29

    While unlikely, I’d like to make it clear that if he leaves, I’m going with him

  3. Competitive_Quiet179

    ngl the fact no Brook news is a bit concerning, you’d think they would’ve had something figured out before hand if he was gonna re-sign

  4. It would have made my day if at 5:00 central time the first contract announced by Shams/Woj was a Thanasis contract, when all the NBA fans were F5ing.

  5. ForgedInRats

    He’s waiting to see what Brook is going to do.

    Brook stays, he’s going to go get a max offer elsewhere. Brook signs somewhere else, he’s signing a huge deal to be our new starting center.


  6. GerhardBURGER1

    He will be back. No way in hell the FO would risk pissing off Giannis

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