@Phoenix Suns

Bradley Beal Introductory Press Conference | Phoenix Suns

The Phoenix Suns welcome Bradley Beal to The Valley at his Introductory Press Conference.


  1. DEVIN BOOKER MANIFESTED THIS "I wanna build a superteam… i want the superteam to come to me" and here we are Book here we are‼️

  2. I'm sorry, but Nash will always be my #1 point guard. Big respect for what CP3 did for us, but for me he's just not as good a passer as Nash.

  3. When he said ayton was gonna be a good defensive anchor is hilarious … the man got exposed in the playoffs and he don’t have that dog in him he basically quit on us … I hope we get a better big or good role player big

  4. I mean we are still in the "honeymoon" stage with KD and now we really added Beal? Damn Ishbia is really something else.

  5. Raleigh Simmons coached by Fred Tex Winter. Thank God Frank is back in the NBA. He is a SERIOUS HEAD COACH and he is GOING TO WIN A NBA CHAMPIONSHIP 2023, THIS YEAR. Great job With a GREAT ORGANIZATION. Why would the LAKERS ever get rid of a HEAD COACH like this man FRANK? He will win the 2023 NBA Championship Bradly Bill MVP.

  6. Devin Booker got the the finals with two great role players. And now them two have been upgraded an replaced by all stars. Book is going to flourish ! His ppg is going to go up and assit. We are going to see a Straight Menace on the court from book. He’s not messing around with this opportunity

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