@Houston Rockets

Free agency for us

FVV woot woot!

by AlertPound9343


  1. Still-Air6938

    Why else would you sign here if you didn’t care about the rockets and wanted to win? Money. The end

  2. FarWestEros

    This is literally what we have been protecting our cap space for.

    The rebuild was designed to add a high-quality (i.e. expensive) PG this summer.

    We could have probably gotten Harden (per the original plan), but Ime wanted Fred instead.

    So it doesn’t matter if we spent money, or he did it for money…that was literally the plan…spend money to get good guys.

    And we got our number 1 target. If we land Lopez, too, it’s a great result.

  3. jordantts

    Well nobody is going to come here expecting to get a ring anytime soon. The only reason to come here right now is money. Are people actually expecting we get free agents because they want to be here right now???

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