@Chicago Bulls


Here’s to hoping the Bulls find themselves a tyrant to drag them back to greatness

by numbuhonestunnuh


  1. _joeybagOdonuts_

    Watching this for the first time in 2020 was amazing.

  2. Dunlocke

    Really hits how deep it went with him. I think people think he was just a psychopath, but it goes way deeper than just a front/basic desire.

  3. JustinTimberlakeFTW

    My jaw was on the floor after I saw this for the first time. How emotional he got at the end, you can tell he may have had some regrets about needing to be that tough guy. But there was so much pressure always on MJ, and he needed to play many roles to will his teams to win. Just Herculean levels of emotional juggling.

  4. TheJunkyardDog

    Being a great talent is never enough.

    Bringing your best self in every aspect of the game, being in the RS, the playoffs or even practice… and always going the extra mile is what makes someone great. Wanting to be the first to arrive at the gym and the last to leave… always struggling always fighting always feeling the need to climb another wall only to face a new wall bigger… till YOU become the wall.

    DEMANDING the same level of work from your teammates and having them commit to that is what makes someone an ALL TIME GREAT. Winning after instilling that into them while also being the best player in the league is what makes a GOAT.

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