@Portland Trail Blazers

Damian Lillard Demands a Trade | Blazer Fan Reaction

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Torey Jones –
Eric Brandt –
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  1. I was really on board with Toreys optimism yesterday and really bummed you were right Eric! Sucks

  2. every indication that jerami grant will request a trade next season he won't wanna be apart of this rebuild

  3. It's best for the team. Fact is, Dame takes on too much, which takes away from making his teammates better. The Blazers will be better overall moving forward with a fresh start and young players that can and will follow Chauncey.

  4. This isn't the Dame lillard podcast. it's a Blazers podcast. Start supporting our young, talented players. This was always gonna happen. Dame put us in this position by publicly demanding us trade the pick. Teams low balled us repetitively because they knew Dame was hijacking the frint office with demands, so they didn't want the pick. THEY WANTED DAME. Just like all the players, he virtue signaled while saying he was loyal, saying he didn't need any super teams or any all Stars, now he's doing the same thing, lol. Blaming the franchise is unintelligent af. Dame isn't the blazers, and his prime is about over. Let him go have his moment and an opportunity ity to win a ring. We couldn't have built a team around him that would contend with the capital we have anyway. And everyone knows it! Other teams knew it. They wanted Dame. It's not the 3rd pick. I hope joe trades him for the best package and doesn't send him to Miami or a co tender, though. Dame shouldn't have signed that contract and just handled this in free agency period.

  5. Joe Cronin is a lying crook. And worst of all to Damian Lillard a man of principals. Unlike Joe Cronin and the rest of the office sheep.

  6. the absolute horror of Miami trying to get Brooklyn to deal is Spencer dinwiddie and Ben Simmons is sickening but it's just the type of trade I'd expect from joe

  7. Dame is under a long and large contract. He won't be traded for peanuts just because. Cronin has proven he is willing to do what is best for the franchise regardless of what anyone wants. His job depends on it. So let him work. No contender can offer a good package without more teams involved. So a contender like Miami is unlikely the dame destination. But with that being said, plenty of "buyers" will be looking for a piece like dame before the trade deadline and will be willing to sell the house to win now. And Grant's contract will be useable in trades later as well as nurkic. Nothing has to happen Now. Just relax. Cronin has more leverage than everyone is giving him credit for. 😂

  8. was just a lose lose situation all the dudes we wanted to keep dame happy were on the teams that also wanted to get dame to pair up with them. we were just the weaker market

  9. Hang in there fellas! Wish we could have done right by Dame. He loves Portland and his family seems to love Portland too. Unfortunate situation but for the first time in a long, long time this franchise has been forced into some sort of direction. Scoot, Shae, Ant are all studs and the future is bright.

  10. Raw emotion from Eric, I feel the exact same way man, today has been tough. I'm just lucky enough to have met Damian Lillard, he signed his autograph for my 11 year old son and it's currently hanging on my sons bedroom wall.

  11. Scoot Henderson might end up being just as good of a player eventually. Not a blazers fan, but scoots got thst potential.

  12. You guys are spot on!! Blazers management is killing this team!! Dame wanted to stay, BIG failure by Cronin!!🤬🤬🤬

  13. Blazers management should continue doing what's best for the team long-term. It would have been nice if Lillard hadn't led Blazers on to get the extra money from his last contract, but that's done. It's time for Blazers to define the parameters of a deal and let Lillard get it if he can.

    The first thing Blazers need is to get cleanly out of the deal. This means Blazers take back no garbage contracts unless there is compensation that offsets the cost.

    The second prerequisite is an all-star player under 26. The type of player no team would ever want to let go of. Like when Clippers traded Shai to get Paul George.

    That's it. The CBA is going to require Blazers to take some salary they don't want. This is going to require additional compensation that makes it worth it for Blazers. The salary has to be gone after 2 seasons and must be less than $40M over its life. This is going to require 1st round picks and swaps with no protection.

    Lillard would be wise to not burn bridges because he's not going to have an easy time finding a deal.

  14. All this tells all the young kids on our roster is, no matter who you are we won't win…

  15. remember the baseball movie Major League? When the owner of the Indians tried to build the worst team in history? Yaa… the Blazers are going to be bad

  16. Dame's last game for Blazers; In Utah, Cronin had already been benching Dame. Shaedon started next to him, and Nurkic came off the tank bench to help Lillard play his "official" 58th game. Lillard had an efficient 32 I believe. Sharpe scored 20, Nurkic had a nice effort, Blazers beat the Jazz WHEN THEY WERE SUPPOSED TO BE LOSING.

  17. Funny how scared our front office was to make a move and take a risk. They were so scared. Now you lost one of the greats. Good luck selling tickets

  18. Eric yiu have a right to be upset…..i used to live and die with the blazers back when clyde and them guys went fir it and when oiooen and sheed were there and early as walton etc….dame brought more to this team and city then any blazer in history… money player possibly ever….a sad day in nba history for sure

  19. Everything done in the last 2 days makes no sense……signing grant is a disaster… him or not terrible move

  20. You guys are right abiut needing new ownership but seems like they jist threw away a billion

  21. Damn, i feel for you guys. Im a Nets fan I understand your pain. 💯 Try to be positive and think about the future. I know its hard.

  22. This morning I woke up and checked my phone straight away. The notification hit me like a freight train. Like you Torey, I was in high school in 2012, telling everyone Damian is the real deal. He's my idol in many ways outside the sport. I don't know how am I able to enjoy basketball without him. Hope you guys will continue the great content on this channel. We certainly need all of you together to get through this.

  23. Man… Lillard much Like Roy helped drag this team out of the depths of medicrity. He literally changed how the game was played with his pension for the long ball. Ushering in the 3 point shot era as first option offense with Steph. He did so much in the community as well with his summer camps and RESPECT initiative. He always spoke like a man well beyond his years and was so confident in his abilities. He could have brough this team a title no doubt in my mind if he had the help. Its just sad this team never got him the correct/healthy big man rotation once Aldridge left. I too am saddened when we lost the late-great owner PA bc he really cared. The new regime just didnt have the same heart and soul to pour into this roster sadly that our players deserved. Dame deserved the keys to the franchise for as long as he wanted. And he would still be driving us to the promised land if most had their say. WRIST CITY ; ) will miss Dame more than he knows. We know he tried and its all we can ask but the front office flat out failed our GOAT and fanbase. They will be exposed guilty of betrayal. TRAIL BLAZER TREASON. Plain and simple betrayal.

    ALL I CAN SAY IS DAME BETTER GO TO A TEAM IN THE EAST. ​I hope they send him to the Nets for Claxton and filler. THEY NEED A STUD DEFENSIVE BIG to fill this roster out. Every big on this roster right now aside from Nurkic is raw, unproven, unskiilled.

    God speed DAME.

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