@Golden State Warriors

What’s this kids ceiling?

I don’t get to watch as many games as I would like because of my work schedule. I also don’t pretend to be a basketball expert but every time I’ve watched this kid play it seems like he’s a beast waiting to be unleashed. I wanted to know from actual warrior’s fans, how good is he and what his ceiling? Is he someone you can build a team around or just a 2nd option?

by DamnZaki


  1. Mattyboy33

    His ceiling is kawhi but obviously needs to play to see more of him.

  2. gethereddout

    All-star, top 10 two way player in the league

  3. Too many variables. Can he cleanup his handles? Can he be more consistent on defense? Can he get a better shot? His ceiling is obviously a top 10 player in the league like PG/Kwahi but he is so far away at the moment.

  4. Inevitable-Ad-4192

    Depends on his attitude. Just imagine putting GP2 attitude in JK, that would be something to see.

  5. Powerful_Frosting_28

    All Star maybe All NBA. He either needs a new system or needs to step up some more and be given no more dnp’s by Kerr. Let the young guys play, especially Kuminga.

  6. Gamerxx13

    I’m worried about playing time as usual. We need to give them both some playing time. I think jk can play well with the second unit with cp3. But we need them to develop. If anything we need them to be viable assets that we can trade if it’s not working out. Wiseman value was epically low bc the league just didn’t see enough of him. I think him and moody are gonna be viable parts of the team

  7. nghbrhd_slackr87

    Only he knows the answer to that question.

    How bad does he want it?

    There is a price to pay to be great.

    I’m not sure he’s paying it but we’ll find out.

  8. calculating_hello

    20/7/5 with elite defense? probably a super solid #3 or maybe occasional all star #2B type guy?

  9. Nessmuk58

    He has about 2,500 NBA minutes at this point. For a guy his age, you should be able to see his ceiling clearly when he hits 10,000 minutes. Obviously, you see flashes before that, but as long as they’re only flashes, you can’t be sure. If he keeps getting backup minutes, he’s still a few full seasons away.

  10. jsuber1024

    He’s shown some great flashes but was very disappointing in the playoffs with all the pouting and lack of effort. He has to be a solid defender and make all the hustle plays when available(defelections, offensive rebs, charges) pretty much everything GP2 does. I love how Moody stayed ready and delivered and I fully expect him to grow more this year and hopefully Kuminga will follow suit

  11. EffinCroissant

    Ideal outcome is like Shawn Marion or Jaylen Brown. Realistic outcome is somewhere between Jeff Green and OG. But it’s still super early lol who knows.

  12. ibra113

    He has huge potential. He can be a special player but he needs to find his role on the team. He has won games for the team and he is capable of forming a new death lineup with steph, klay, Wiggins and Dray but he needs to take a big leap this year. I Beli he can. He was part of the rotation before the playoffs. He will be a lot better this year.

  13. AndOnTheDrums

    If he decides to rebound? High. If he doesn’t? Not very high.

  14. ImTheBestNerd

    Ceiling is like Kawhi or Jimmy Butler.

    Realistic best case is like, 24/6/5 and probably prime paul georges defense

  15. lofitoasti

    The way he commands games is elite, you can tell he has an alpha dog mentality.

    If he works on his shooting and handles, him and Wiggins will become a better version of the Boston duo after Steph is past his prime. 1A 1B

  16. eexxiitt

    Ceiling doesn’t matter. Now what level can he realistically hit?
    A better Aaron Gordon or Andrew wiggins. Super athletic, strong, fantastic defence. Hopefully he can develop a reliable jumper and improve on his post game.

    There’s no reason why he can’t be a 20/7/4 guy and a 3rd/4th option on a championship team.

  17. SupHezbullah

    His ceiling is all nba 1st team

    This kid can be an absolute atrocity

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