@Chicago Bulls

Why The Chicago Bulls Are NOT As Far Off As Many Believe

In this episode, Pat the designer provides valuable insights into why the Chicago Bulls may be closer to success than many fans realize. With a keen focus on the team’s draft prospects and current state, Pat breaks down the potential future of the Chicago Bulls. Don’t miss this informative discussion on the Bulls’ outlook, as Pat delves into the factors that could shape the team’s path to success. Tune in now to gain a deeper understanding of what lies ahead for the Chicago Bulls.


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  1. I truly believe the Bulls are right there. Lonzo Ball being taking up cap and roster space is holding us back, now. They have that exception (or whatever it's called) they can use to not let his contract affect their cap. They need to use it.

  2. We also gotta sit back and observe how the Bulls and White Sox are operating.

    Zach LaVine is the first supermax contract and being over $100 million in franchise history.

    White Sox never spent in free agency either.

    Jerry Reinsdorf is a businessman that has no business in sports and why we are numb to underachieving and being the model of mediocrity.

    Bulls been a below .500 winning organization since MJ era.

  3. We really not.
    But we definitely some pieces away.
    And Billy bubble gum … idk he questionable. And so was that EARLY extension. Great coaches became available and we extended Billy. 🤦🏽‍♂️

  4. When we got D Rose, we weren't a bottom team, we were a playoff team with great role players like Hinrich/Gordon/Deng. We drafted Noah in 07 & Gibson in 09, got lucky in 08 with Rose as the star but the team wasn't bad when we got Rose & it took from 04 to get there & developed Deng/Hinrich/Noah/Nocioni. I think people have this "videogame GM" mindset. We gotta work with Zach/Vucevic/Pat/Coby, tho we should move from DeRozen so our young guys can devolope & get some assets and a pick or 2 while we can by trading him.

  5. Pat, your observations are refreshing. While most of the media is so negative and so focused on the small picture, you see the larger pieces that could benefit the Bulls. Continuity, player development, patience. Agree that just simply adding multiple star players does not guarantee a deep playoff run.

  6. All these years and the Bulls just got a shooting coach is sad especially in this years NBA

  7. TALK THAT TALK PAT – ppl always want to move on and then have remorse after

  8. today people want to switch players as fast as they want to switch to their next tiktok video.

  9. Bulls only win 45 games with a decent PG. Bulls ARE far away because they don’t have a superstar. Teams without superstars don’t win Chips

  10. You’re definitely right, player development the hidden gems on this team and pickup pieces that compliment their game and the team.

  11. Pat we want our DA Bulls team go this 2023-2024 season standings 50-32 record that’s what we want thanks for this video and your great work.

  12. Chicago sports fans never run out of optimism, even when there's no reason to be optimistic. The bulls are going no where, once they turnover the entire roster, they will go no where. These teams need to PROVE themselves before I personally buy in.

  13. I'm optimistic but it can only carry me so far. Team is at best the 6th seed and thats being generous.

  14. They would have won more games if they actually started Drummond and Vuc or at least played them at the same time a lot more. Coby been there for years and could have played PG more if they needed outside shooting but Billy did do that either (even after he had a stretch of games being the best shooter on the team). Pwill should have been coming off the bench and the LEADER of that 2nd unit for years.. All of this points to Coaching Choices.. I dont by stock in internal development at positions that are already stacked nor in positions that the team has not even filled well (PF). They need a floor general and a PF and they are grooming these players to be just like the players in front of them on the depth chart (you can only be what you see, and these guys are not working out/training with the top 5 alpha players in the league over the summer) and idk if that is going to get this team anywhere.. They probably will need to go outside the org to find what they are missing.

    This scheme needs a real floor general PG to run it and it needs a PF to pick up the slack and they have neither.

  15. Bulls ain’t winning jack for a long time , blow up the team

  16. I said we would’ve won 48-50 games last season if it wasn’t for bad calls and blown leads! I believe we’re gonna bounce bck.

  17. So we just need to hold on to everyone under 25 because MAYBE they could be good in the future? lmao aight you got it

  18. It's the truth, Zach CAN be a number 2 on a championship level team. Pat can develop into a 21 plus per game scorer. Vooch is a top 10 center. Bulls problem is they gotta balance out their roster. They have to move demar man. I would trade demar for Simons since they're guard heavy now. Put him here with pat, zach and vooch. Also sign a few 3 and d guys and a rim protecting big.

  19. They'll never be a championship team with demar on this damn roster. Can't win with that heavy isolation shit. No one will develop around him and guys like zach and vooch will continously take steps back trying to accommodate his style of play

  20. The Bulls need a Lonzo-esque PG, a SF who’s a 3&D specialist like year 6 Danny Green and a rebounding defensive minded PF like Jarred Vanderbilt. With 3 guys u got a 50 win team. Once u resign ur guys u probably still got the MLE. That’s 3 guys making $4M or less.

  21. We not far from being good and not far from lottery I’m not mad at you pat for taking the glass half full approach but the best players are not young on this team we are not the kings or okc we are a old top heavy team it’s not exciting nor fun to watch those Kirk Gordon nocioni teams were young and fun and we all knew they wasn’t a championship team that’s the feeling we gotta get back to too get that next drose

  22. I told fans already the same reason y’all don’t want drose to be here why do y’all want zach to be here I can guarantee any where zach goes he’s gonna be better! Wanna know why ? Because he won’t be the best player! Zach deserves better why should zach potential be tapped out cause bulls fans scared to be 7 games worse Zach is 28 let that man go to a situation that’s gonna let him shine on the biggest stage bulls and zach is not gonna reach the mountain top

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