@National Basketball Association

[Windhorst] Ramona Shelburne has reported and I have heard this as well, and I didn’t just hear it in the last three days. I heard it a while ago that Dame does indeed have interest in the San Antonio Spurs.

Starting at 32:30 of [The Hoop Collective](

Windy and the Tims were pretty skeptical that the Spurs would have legit interest in Dame, as evidenced by their conservative offseason moves, but perhaps they could be the third team to facilitate a trade. I believe the Spurs have $25M in cap space still. Not really worth transcribing beyond the headline, to be honest.

by iksnet


  1. noochies99

    Brian had Draymond going to Sacramento last week.. how’d that turn out?

  2. im____new____here

    if Dame goes to the Spurs i will eat my own feces

  3. This doesnt make any sense because Scoot is a great prospect too, but Dame seems to constantly change his mind on what he wants lately so it could be true

  4. sparkplug_

    That would be hilarious but there’s close to no chance.

  5. DionWaiteress

    If Dame does get traded to somewhere other then Miami I would want it to be San Antonio cause him and Victor would be insanely fun to watch

  6. EGarrett

    Windhorst apparently now merging he said / she said and hearsay into one uber-pile of simultaneous awful journalism.

  7. JeonSukJinKim

    The Spurs are still below the floor so they have to make some move.

    I honestly think it’s better for them to go for Dame than facilitate. In particular because the 2024 draft sucks and that’s when they have a ton of their picks.

    We saw how Paul George “I want to play to LA” worked out, or how Chris Paul made a young OKC a playoff team. Moving for Dame and trading him later at a higher price is totally possible for the Spurs, and contrary to popular opinion it will only help their young guys grow, like SGA grew from playing with CP3. He doesn’t even conflict for playing time with any guys in their young core.

    And again, the 2024 draft sucks.

    If not San Antonio another young team might try this move. Miami just doesn’t have enough assets right now and Herro’s contract is scary (comparable to Poole when signed, wasn’t part of Miami’s run). He played well but no teams will give significant assets from him coming off an injury.

  8. Past-Mousse-4519

    Lillard ring chasing, SAS with Lillard not even Top-10 team in the league in best case scenario.

  9. Herro simons or Lillard is what I don’t mind in this trade. Preferably herro or Simon’s since there cheaper then dame

  10. I_Set_3_Alarms

    Wonder how much is real, and how much is just Dame trying to go “See, I’m not just forcing my way to Miami!”

  11. empowered676

    Spurs front office is snoresville for a decade

  12. Emaculates

    Shes still salty that spo annihilated her in the post game 😂😂

  13. lovemesomemarvel

    I would fucking love him at the spurs

  14. Sorbetesman

    I will cry if Sochan or Devin get traded

  15. thicky_bobby

    So he’ll play with rookies, just not Portland’s rookies

  16. Hellcat2k20

    “I didn’t just hear it in the last 3 days” makes this less compelling. You know what we have heard in the last 3 days? That Dame wants Miami.

  17. justintrenell

    I just don’t see how that trade works for Portland to say yes without Victor, and you know that’s not happening.

  18. Ealy-24

    This is a move I could really get behind, it would be a fantastic pairing all around

  19. YourWorstNightmare9

    You’ll get one Tyler Herro and you’ll like it San Antonio

  20. KuyaJohnny

    Oh god no

    Miami, hurry the hell up and trade for him before he gets any ideas

  21. hearthstonealtlol

    Please send him to Utah it would be super funny.

  22. thy_armageddon

    The person Windy heard it from? Ramona Shelburne.

  23. yeah the guy who doesn’t wanna stay on a rebuilding team, wants to lose loyalty to go to a rebuilding team… 10/10 reporting lol

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