@Los Angeles Lakers

Summer League Begins today at 3pm – Lakers vs Miami! Wake up Lakernation!

Summer League Begins today at 3pm – Lakers vs Miami! Wake up Lakernation!

by Hollowpoint808


  1. LiebeContext

    Let’s get it… I can’t wait 💛💜 Lake show bay-bee

  2. LandooooXTrvls

    Lmao they all basically have the same haircut

  3. nottherealstanlee

    JHS behind Pippen is interesting lol

  4. hooping5head

    Summer League Champions and Max Christie MVP incoming. Letsgo

  5. K_a_n_d_o_r_u_u_s

    5 guys on the roster I hope can help us compete this year.

    How pro ready are JHS, Lewis, and Castleton?

    Has Swider improved his defense enough to stay on the floor and be our sniper?

    Will Max prove that he is ready for regular rotation minutes?

    Can’t wait to find out!

  6. opeth2310

    All I hope for is that SPJ doesn’t play a lot.

  7. goatnxtinline

    Didn’t even realize it was today

  8. thehanssassin

    I hope we see max christie and colin cook.

  9. jmacklin1

    Summer leagues starts at 6pm for som people

  10. Battle2heaven

    What I want to see:
    1. Castleton in PnR defense and help side rim protection.
    2. JHS catch n shoot 3 form and some rim pressure attacking.
    3. Lewis help defense awareness and physicality.
    4. Christie looking like summer league Kobe.
    5. Any other laker showing anything remotely interesting.

  11. No-Test6484

    Honestly the main players I want to see are Christie, JHS and castelton as these players can legitimately see minutes. After our signings I don’t think there is room for SPJ and Lewis. I also don’t think swider sees any minutes unless we regress to 2021 shooting.

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