@National Basketball Association

[Winderman] They’ve basically loaded up one of those pods dumpsters in front of the Trail Blazers and said, ‘Take anyone out of here you want besides Bam Adebayo and Jimmy Butler.’ Maybe they’ll go back and forth on Caleb Martin a little

>The Miami Heat intend to keep Jimmy Butler and Bam Adebayo at all costs amid their pursuit of Damian Lillard. Sun Sentinal’s Ira Winderman reported that the Heat are willing to include anyone but the All-Star duo in a potential deal.

>”But it’s basically sort of come and pick and choose. Tell us what you want, anything else is yours. The Heat are all in on this.”

Heat all in on Damian Lillard pursuit

by EarthWarping


  1. instantur

    Take our garbage and give us your all nba talent!

  2. GoldenBoyRecords

    Blazers will get Caleb Martin then. He can easily be flipped later. a team with a decent TPE could absorb him for a draft pick the Blazers way

  3. TigerBasket

    I still think Portland should take Randle for Dame. We wouldn’t even demand more than 3 first rounders and a few swaps.

  4. RVAIsTheGreatest

    They’re likely willing to part with any other Heat player bar those two but not in the same deal. If the Heat put an offer including Jovic, Martin, Highsmith on the table right now, or Jaquez when he’s available to be moved at the end of the month, we could see a deal made, but they haven’t been, and the Blazers I don’t think will accept less than their asking price. I also think the Blazers would prefer Lowry’s money coming back in a deal as an expiring vs Robinson’s contract with Little going back to Miami to make money work and give the Heat another playable guy.

  5. smalls_1804

    Why is Highsmith not being talked about more as someone the Blazers would want? I get he doesn’t fit a rebuilding timeline but he’s a solid wing

  6. I_Set_3_Alarms

    Whoa, now this changes things. Yet another reason Caleb Martin should have gotten the ECF MVP. Would have brought his trade value up

  7. Rakatok

    Dumpster good way to carry around garbage.

  8. Firestoner

    Martin, Jaime, Jovich, Herro, Robinson, picks and the Heat need to take Nurk. Still dont know if that’s enough

  9. goofedonskunkweed

    Sounds like they need a 3rd team or something.

  10. Myrese_Taxey

    So either they’re just looking for a 3rd team, or it’s not happening? Cuz it sounds like there’s not much to negotiate on the Heat’s end.

  11. Tigercat92

    If Bam is not involved, I’m not interested.

  12. ChipotleGuacamole

    and that pod came from

  13. EddyTreeNJ

    It’s being reported that Nets want compensation to take Herro.

  14. Ill_Celery_7654

    “You can have any of these great value bargain players that you want, but leave the Porsche and the Ferrari”

  15. resident_hater

    So basically take this garbage off our hands for your best player.

    I would ask for every eligible first round pick for the next decade or else no deal.

  16. Phenomenal2313

    This sounds like a three-team deal , but this is going to get messy like that entire Dwight saga in 2013

  17. whitehottakes

    This sub confuses me. You guys are saying Miami is a Finals team and that Dame shouldn’t go to a team with multiple stars. But you’re also simultaneously saying all of the Heat’s assets are complete trash.

    Those “trash” assets contributed in major ways to a Finals appearance. I understand other teams have better offers. Not trying to deny that at all. But can we not go as far as to call all their assets trash?

    Tyler Herro is a 20 ppg scorer. Duncan is one of the best shooters in the league and showed that he can help win you a few games in the playoffs. Jovic is young and has a high ceiling. Jaime Jaquez Jr is a young player who may be able to contribute to a team immediately. The obviously there is Caleb who seems to be the only player r/nba thinks has at least some value.

    The Blazers can probably get something better. But let’s not act like these players have no value.

  18. SPAREustheCUTTER

    This is getting worse by the day. Blazers can’t sell off a top 75 player for Duncan Robinson and two late firsts. Although, it wouldn’t surprise me if that’s what happened.

    Heat fans gonna toss shade on our organization because they want to get our guy. I understand that but be completely reasonable. Would you give up Butler for Duncan robinson?

  19. TranscedentalMedit8n

    The Miami offer is garbage.

    Nikola Jovic, the 27th pick last year who never played. Jaime Jacquez Jr, the 18th pick this year who is already 22 and can’t shoot.

    The contact of Duncan Robinson.

    Caleb Martin, a role player.

    2 firsts, which will likely not even be high picks with how consistently good Miami is.

    Whatever the Heat can get for Herro. Does anyone want this guy??? Doesn’t seem like it.

    I love Dame and want him to be happy, but trading him for this pile of trash would be a disservice to the franchise and the fans.

  20. MasterfulMesut

    Just send Dame to the Lakers it is where he deserves to be

  21. i_am_the_senate_

    Why exactly are the Heat hesitating about including Caleb Martin lol

  22. frankthechicken

    The Trail Blazers accept and take Eric Spoelstra, Lowry, Herro, Martin and all the picks.

  23. Sterling_Thunder

    Miami is killing the team chemistry if this doesn’t go through.

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