@Toronto Raptors

[Hoop Collective Podcast] There is a head coach in this league of Serbian descent who has very a chummy relationship with a certain young superstar who also comes from the Balkans, I’ll say that, just saying.

[Hoop Collective Podcast] There is a head coach in this league of Serbian descent who has very a chummy relationship with a certain young superstar who also comes from the Balkans, I’ll say that, just saying.

by EarthWarping


  1. everything_raptors

    We’re not doing this again like we did with giannis…

  2. DarkChocolate_69

    Tf does this mean 😂

    EDIT: Doncic? Ain’t No Fuckin Way dawg. Nah… y’all aren’t gonna get my hopes up just to be blue ball’d at the end of the day

  3. Jellynorris

    Lmao, we’re not getting Doncic 🤣😂

  4. Yeah I’m not even gonna entertain this right now

  5. jak_d_ripr


  6. DarkChocolate_69

    What’s the time stamp u/EarthWarping

  7. JohnnyFootballHero

    Nikola Jokic, come on down! /s

  8. jackie_chans_nose

    FOH with this take. Windy is basically remixing the Masai and Giannis connection. Going to get a lot of rumors and hopes up, make a lot of us fans look like bigger idiots than we already did when Giannis was up for free agency.

  9. ElusiveNirvana

    Not a chance — even if it was, Doncic has a great relationship with Cuban, weather’s nicer, and pays no income tax in Texas

  10. jjkiller26

    Loooool i’m prepared to be completely let down again

  11. Scase15

    Anyone who believes even a whiff of this, deserves all the disappointment they get.

  12. bdvfgvvcffc

    Doncic + Powell for Pascal and Og + picks

  13. RogueViator

    What they really mean: please click and listen where we talk about potential possibilities that probably may or may not happen for sure, we think, or maybe not. We’ll see.

  14. iamwearingashirt

    The only way Doncic comes to the Raptors is if this team is a contender, he’s at the end of his contract, Dallas still sucks, and the Raps can pay him about equal to anywhere else.

    Even then, doubt it.

  15. keyrinn

    Cant wait to see Darko coaching the Slovenian national team

  16. haley_the_comet

    Coach Pop is also of Serbian descent

  17. terminese

    Yeah, I’m sure that is all it is going to take.

  18. HankScorpio4242

    Slovenia and Serbia are different countries.

    They don’t even share a border.

  19. qyteria

    Honestly when I listened to this I thought this was referencing Pop not Darko, but idk either of their connections specifically to Luka so I didn’t think much of it either way.

  20. Responsible_Chain551

    American like SAS or Windshorst doesn’t mean they are good but more because they’re recreative

  21. FallenLemur

    Did Windhorst Canadian audience drop, he’s trying to get then back with this shit?

  22. Dales_dead_bugabago4

    As soon as we signed our coach I was waiting for this angle. Honestly took longer then expected. Please can we not do what we did with giannis it was absurd then and it’s absurd now. Let teams enjoy the players they have without everyone trying to snipe them away at every turn. God sakes we know what that’s like very well so please just this once can we be the bigger person

  23. enantiornithe

    Oh fuck off Windy, no, stop, we’re not doing this. You’re not getting people’s hopes up.

  24. efficientshelter69

    MacMahon was talking about Popovich lmaoo

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