@Atlanta Hawks

Oh no

Oh no

by Ant-marx


  1. hollow-ataraxia

    if Okongwu gets shipped off for a Siakam rental I’m done with the Hawks man no way he should go before DJ Dre or Clint

  2. Acceptable-Taste-912

    I checked his twitter & don’t see this

  3. GiveTraeYoungHelp

    If we trade any of the young guys for beyblade dude this franchise is cooked

  4. lcanalesc

    It was deleted shortly after being posted. I hope OO stays 🙁

  5. slimeb4zness

    If Okongwu is involved in a trade for a one year rental of Beyblade man, I’m taking my talents to San Antonio or OKC…

  6. BigSlimSu

    OO is an undersized backup forward , I love him but come on guys

  7. WzrdKelly10

    If we do this trade, the deal should be Dejounte + Bufkin as main pieces and probably Clint or Hunter to a 3rd team as salary filler. We don’t have control over picks between 2025-27 so trading any 3 of Onyeka, JJ, and AJ should be non-negotiable. Siakam not signing his extension tanks his value anyway.

  8. OfferOk8555

    Y’all are so dramatic Lolol. I remember this exact reaction when the DJ trade went through and OO tweeted some cryptic shit.

    It’s funny to hear y’all talk about Siakam too. Like y’all value our players so much only to trash them when they don’t develop into a player as good as Pascal Siakam. I’m just glad Landry is taking these calls and not y’all.

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