@Miami Heat

Latest on Dame

Latest on Dame

by KingJarrah06


  1. CJBastian

    He’s not even here and he’s a heat lifer

  2. bullbutler

    Heat legend. He loves us 🥺 we are loved 🥹

  3. This is so annoying. I know it’s only been like 2 days since he requested but I really want this over with.

  4. OblivionNA

    Honestly sounds like deal is done. Working out the kinks and money

  5. Maleficent-Address50

    Dame does not want Boston or San Antonio or Brooklyn or New Orleans, Dame wants Miami, if Cronin for some reason doesn’t trade him to us, all hell will break loose

  6. Maleficent-Address50

    Everybody say thank you Bam for making this happen

  7. Dame2Miami


    Dame DOLLA, I appreciates you!

  8. Manor002

    Even if we don’t get him, hang his jersey here when he retires 😂 certified Heat Lifer

  9. novaffootball

    Someone needs to tell Cronin so he can stop making this about him

  10. Background_Action_92

    Man this feels good, already love him . Weird how even though he won us rings, i already like him more than lebron.

  11. Bigben1887

    Dude just straight up tell people you’d rather retire than play for anybody other than Miami and make this thing happen.

  12. SirFunktastic

    Dame being this adamant and resolute about being in Miami is going to scare away a lot of potential suitors. Competitors will do their due diligence but in the end you’re not gonna give up the farm for a guy who doesn’t want to play with you, this isn’t the same as the Kawhi situation because he was on an expiring deal. Portland doesn’t have a choice but to deal with Miami and whatever other teams they can rope into the trade to make this happen, nobody else is going to make an offer with the risk of Dame not playing for them or wanting to ask out every year until he gets to Miami.

  13. LobstaFarian2

    I can’t do this shit anymore. It’s too stressful.

  14. Inside-Big-8158

    Dude fuck Portland. Dame has tried for years to build a winning culture in Portland and their FO was never able to help him. Now they’re trying to screw him over from going where he wants to go. I’m glad no FAs go to Portland.

  15. Man_Darronious

    cronin will crumble when he sees riley in person at summer league lmao. he is gonna take whatever deal is on the table and like it.

  16. Neat-Permit-5299

    Bro just get it done already I want Dame in a Heat jersey already

  17. julstar23

    Everybody needs þo walk away from this .Touch grass ,do something else because this is not healthy for anybody .Stressing and going back and fourth with people who don’t matter isn’t going to make Dame get here any faster lol.

  18. Dorago1991

    If he only wanted to play for the Heat maybe he should have went there in free agency.

  19. RotaryP7

    The longer we wait. The more of a chance he doesn’t come here.

  20. jagerhero

    Even if this doesn’t work out in our favor, Dame is a Heat lifer as far as I’m concerned 😂

  21. uncle__creepee

    Heat fans are the most delusional and entitled fans on the planet and this sub proves it haha. I hope and pray dame is traded anywhere but Miami so I can watch this place implode

  22. OhMyItzBam_Herro305

    Damn Dame fr gonna be held prisoner just ffing sad man

  23. Marauderr4

    What a dumb sport. You can sign a contract, and midway through literally hold your team hostage. Not just demanding a trade, but demanding it’s to one team. Basically guaranteeing they get a shit deal.

    Yeah, Portland FO has been ass and didn’t build a team around him. But why resign, then? Imagine this happening in the NFL? Lol

  24. Blazer fan coming to provide perspective…this is a big bluff by Damian and I think it objectively needs to be called. If Miami truly has the best offer and it is greater than the implications of not trading him, then we should do it but the brass tax of the situation is that Portland has much more leverage than Dame does. Hes under contract for 3 years, he doesnt have a NTC…if he doesnt get traded to Miami and pouts or refuses to play that will 10000% tarnish his brand and undermine his “professional” athlete status. It would be childish, petty, and honestly make him look like a little bitch.

  25. Iliketothrowaway2456

    😂😂 he has no leverage whatsoever of where Portland wants to send him

    He could have said all of this discreet, but he decided to have his team leak all this.

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