@Los Angeles Clippers

Me personally, I wouldn’t take this level of disrespect.

Me personally, I wouldn’t take this level of disrespect.

by Dapper-Department799


  1. Goldenwarrior92

    Players and GMs IQs


  2. JBreezy11

    Pg about to be in LF’s crosshairs lol

  3. MrtyAbril

    I may be in the minority but holy fuck his co host is insufferable

  4. Goldenwarrior92

    Found it in the POD, about 41 min in.

    They’re talking about draymonds drafting process. He did 21 workouts, but they never ran him in 5s to see his play in groups, and they relied more on he shot x of 100 shots from 3 type drills, which doesn’t reflect a players impact well and how they passed on him because they didn’t know what position he would guard.

    This sound bite sounds worse than what they’re saying honestly because they are right in the context that players’ impacts can’t be measured by just raw shooting numbers and in part to really measure their impact you have to see them play vs eachother.

  5. Paul george complaining about stupidity while making really stupid af passes and taking stupid shots on the regular … hmmm

    Maybe people are oblivious

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