@Minnesota Timberwolves

SlowMo 🤣

SlowMo 🤣

by dwortho23


  1. TheFinnebago

    Probably should have said ‘envy’.

    When we guard what is already ours, we do so jealously. But when we want what someone else has, we are envious.

    This McIntyre fella is an *envious*, hater, clout seeker, who doesn’t have any idea how the nba works. Not a *jealous*, hating, clout-seeking douche who doesn’t know how the nba works.

  2. I mean if you think of the money that NBA players make as real, it is pretty insane lol.

  3. Is Kyle for sure confirmed on the roster next year? One of the best free agents we’ve picked up, I really hope so!!

  4. midnightgreen29

    Down for sticking up for teammates vs a clout chasing loser. Not down with putting down ‘females’ or ‘female trait’ bs, c’mon now.

  5. DooflesMcFloofles

    Slowmos statement is one that no one is willing to get offended over except for perpetually online Redditors that live to virtue-signal 💀

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