@Toronto Raptors

Please watch Gary in this clip

Please watch Gary in this clip

by CazOnReddit


  1. EarthWarping

    Scottie had his issues, but Gary and Fred really didn’t click at all.

  2. sinova6ix

    lmao I still remember that game I was dying.

  3. grapedinosour

    Honestly looks like he just turned and headed back as in ‘thats cash’. But it wasn’t.

  4. TreChomes

    Shit like this is exactly why I’m glad he’s gone

  5. theorganicpotatoes

    I can get siakam being pissed about lack of development or work ethic or whatever went on behind the scenes with the young guys, but its hard to take fred seriously when he had the biggest drop off from one season to the next of anybody on the team.

    Not to mention the fact that he had issues with Kawhi and was just in general the messiest mfer on the team.

  6. sllegal

    A lot of the criticism about Fred reminds me of the articles written about Lowry in 2012-2017.

    Here is one example: [](

    >He has a tendency to get serious tunnel vision when he decides that he needs to score, looking off of players and plays that are much more likely to get a team points, and he often has difficult knowing when to time his attack to best utilize the space on the court and his teammates. Similarly, coming off of a pick, he often makes the wrong decision regarding when to pass, how and when to drive to allow the big man to roll to the rim, and when to use the extra space to shoot. On the other hand, it’s hard to argue with the results, even if he can be frustrating to watch at times.
    >More problematic is that he’s been known as a locker room cancer due to his abrasive personality, though this last year a lot of those rumors have been dismissed by Toronto.

  7. n3moh0es

    you shoulda said look at siakam. his reaction was more telling

  8. N0minal

    Pascal was saying all season like “we have to play together and stay positive” which seemed more “guys hate each other but that shouldn’t affect our play”. Who knows. Im a sicko and watched Scottie streams and the Rico runs and Scottie seems to look up to Pascal.

    It feels like the one dude playing selfish for his next big contract, whining on podcasts about his role, and shooting 30% was the biggest vibe killer/source of most of the issues.

  9. motherseffinjones

    Are we really gonna start the Fred slander again? Like he’s gone and he helped us win a chip. Can we move one now?

  10. 0ctobyte

    Even Siakam’s body language looked like exasperation

  11. minivant

    There was a lot of moments of him playing hero ball. Some worked, some didn’t. It gets frustrating cuz it brings down consistency and makes everyone look bad. I’m not saying Pascal is the better play maker but there were moments where you could see he’s trying to move the ball and set things up for others, especially early on in the season when he got doubled a lot. Fred had it lacking at points which is not what you want see from your primary guard.

  12. see, if the younger guys would just listen to the vets we would have a lot more highlight clips like this. why wouldn’t they just go with the plan.

  13. YotedYo

    🥱Gary just had the upmost confidence in that bulldog /s

  14. hwirring

    I knew it was this clip as soon as I saw the title lol

  15. Competitive_Demand

    Nurse has to go for a lot of reasons, but partly because He let Fred get away with multiple plays a game that would’ve gotten malachi benched for a month.

  16. catalystoptions

    I’m Curious why raptors Reddit didn’t see this stuff in real time. This was a regular occurrence. We got to 500 by beating below 500 teams while highlighting Fred and pascal. We sucked against the better teams all year.

  17. Can you guys imagine Fred’s displeasure next year with the likes of every single player on that team? And then how much they’re gonna resent him if he’s not performing. It’s going to be so entertaining.

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