
What is your opinion of the upcoming NBA mid-season tournament?

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by Honest_Joseph


  1. Weird_Ad6678

    The Idea is cool but still half-baked. The fact that the teams that win have to play extra games and the prize is only 500K for each player means most teams aren’t going to care about the tournament.

  2. snakejakemonkey

    The idea is cool as single elimination or some sort of worldwide event imo

    Group stage and awkward early season format just makes it feel like a money grab

    Especially when we have what should be a marquee FIBA world cup coming up, basketball more international than ever

    NBA virtually ignores it.

    My idea to make in season tourney better or worthwhile

    Make it 32 team tourney, 8 4 team sectionals.

    At biggest venues in world

    Tokyo dome, cowboys stadium, Yankees stadium, dubai, wembley, China etc..

    Eventually expand it and make it a world wide single elimation basketball club world cup.

    Ya NBA rolls vs other teams but never know, let’s see Charlotte play Barcelona

    Would be incredible. Basketball doesn’t celebrate that it’s one of true global games.

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