@Brooklyn Nets

Not sure if I’ll ever get over this

Absolutely gut punch just heart wrenching



  1. thefineart

    Don’t spend your future thinking about the past.

  2. mharri05

    Damn, both toes were on the line, I thought it was just 1.

    Either way, kd has all the respect in the world from me for his performance that series. Almost took down the champs single handedly.

    Other than kds feet being 2 inches back, all we needed was one of these things to happen and we get a championship banner:

    -Dinwiddie doesn’t get hurt early in the year

    -Aldridge doesn’t retire mid season

    -Harden doesn’t get hurt in the playoffs

    -Kyrie doesn’t get hurt in the playoffs

    -Bruce Brown makes his layup in game 4.

    -Joe Harris makes a couple 3s instead of missing almost every one he shot.

  3. Veloxi_Blues

    I was at that game. The entire fourth quarter was essentially KD and Giannis trading baskets, neither could be stopped. Then KD comes down and hits this and the place erupts, I was certain we had just won. When they made the call it was so deflating, you kinda knew how it would go after that. Then at the end of OT Durant comes down again and you think he’s going to pull out some insane magic but he shot an airball. It was very surreal.

    It’s one of those great what ifs, as MIL went on to win the title so of course there’s the tendency to extrapolate and say if we won this game, we would have gone on to win. Of course we’ll never know but I do believe that would have been the case. Just shows how hard it truly is to win and how it can literally be just a matter of inches.

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