@National Basketball Association

[Bleacher Report] Report: Damian Lillard ‘Just Wouldn’t Report’ If He’s Traded to Team That Isn’t Heat

[Bleacher Report] Report: Damian Lillard ‘Just Wouldn’t Report’ If He’s Traded to Team That Isn’t Heat

by YaGirlKellie


  1. holy shit, dame. do not destroy your legacy for this.

  2. Dude went from “I got loyalty inside my DNA” to “I’ma Ben Simmons these bitches”

  3. rollingdown23

    unless his agent or dame himself is saying this. I wouldnā€™t be taking any such reports seriously.

  4. WallOld615

    I was always on the side of player empowerment because fuck the owners and whatnot but you gotta at least give a couple teams you wanna go to. This seems like a little much. That or handle this whole situation in private.

  5. nerdeagle2

    Wow Dame is willing to sacrifice $60M just to play for the heat. Wild

  6. s_malik25

    They said Kawhi was going to sit out the whole season after he got traded to Toronto lmao

  7. rattatatouille

    Not even Vince “sandbagged the Raptors” Carter did this. Not even Ben Simmons did this.

    Damian Lillard, what you doing?

  8. SmoothCriminal2018

    Dudeā€™s 33 and wants a ring, no way he would give up multiple years of his remaining career

  9. Got_That_Dawg_In_Me

    Dude is just dying to get knocked out of the ECF by Boston next year

  10. Doc_Mattic

    If I was the Portland Gm Iā€™d say buckle in – no trade. You donā€™t play you donā€™t get paid – see how his attitude adjusts. or wait until the off season is done so thereā€™s no free agents left then gut the Miami team as part of the trade – enjoy the play in.

  11. grahamtasticj

    This is embarrassing at this point. Dame is my guy and I get it, but, bro has made a gazillion dollars from the team and is acting toxic. All he wanted was to be on a team that could contend and now heā€™s obsessed with joining the eastern conference champs. Come on Dameā€¦

  12. SadakMahdhi

    Alright see you in 4 years then buddy

  13. KuyaJohnny

    guy went from loyality to nephew in record time lol

  14. tinami23

    Dame should just pick the Knicks and force to replace Randle

  15. KingAdo94

    I honestly hope they trade him to Utah and he doesnā€™t report for 4 years and loses 200M. Utah would appreciate the cap flexibility and the Blazers would get a draft haul + a potential future star in THT.

  16. TheyNeedLoveToo

    Iā€™m not the best poker player but Iā€™m a bit of a sadist, call this manā€™s bluff

  17. renaissance_pancakes

    Cronin should come out and say that they’ve decided not to move him and are looking forward to his services for the next 4 years.

  18. fieryscribe

    > one person familiar with Lillard’s thought process … said he “just wouldn’t report” to a team that isn’t the Heat.

    > Medina did note the person stressed Lillard is “not a disruptor” and **would honor his contract**

    The person “familiar with Lillard’s thought process” took both sides so he’d always be right.

  19. AzorAhai1TK

    Lmfao there is zero chance this is true. He’s under contract for several more years, he either reports or retires and gives up $200M

  20. JackMeHoff266

    Not a good look for Dame. Someone needs to make a Curb Your Enthusiasm meme off of this, going back to when he was talking about players ā€œrunning from the grind.ā€ Now he literally refuses to play for any other team than the team that he wants

  21. Readitiztrash

    3 years left on a supermax contract at 33 years old.

    Dameā€™s only option is to retire or play.

  22. MadDogTannenOW

    Sounds like Dame has unofficially retired then

  23. DM_me_yo_Pizza

    You know what team he will report for? Portland. He will be in the roster on opening night.

  24. Dame to Utah truly is the best option just to get to watch him in the press conference talk about how excited he is to be in SLC with a young team around him and how the reports of him acting like a whiny diva the past week were all false.

  25. MR___SLAVE

    At this point Blazers need to just shut down all trade discussion for a while. Ignore Lillard and Miami’s FO until after the season starts.

    They need to publicly state they have no intention of trading him and his only choice is to suit up or sit out with no pay. He has a contract and if he doesn’t honor it he doesn’t get paid.

    Portland doesn’t really need the cap space ATM, especially this season. If they can’t get any real value for him, might as well just eat his contract. Trading with Miami just leads to paying players they don’t want the same amount.

    There is zero benefits to Portland trading him this season unless it is for an adequate return. Outside of the C position and a backup or two, Portland has pretty much determined it’s roster. So unless trading Dame lands them a upgrade or young prospect to replace Nurkic, getting Herro, Duncan or Lowry back is no better than simply paying Dame to sit on the bench.

  26. thisismyname03

    After defending Dame at the start of thisā€¦. God damn he really coming off as a villain now.

    Not a good look.

  27. SnooLemons5457

    So contracts are basically worthless now.

    I’m all for player empowerment, but there has to be something they give up to the team in exchange for their empowerment. In this case it is money/years.

  28. it wonā€™t happen but this is such a perfect example of what is wrong with the nba and adam silver should absolutely step in if it came to this. dame is not a free agent. allowing players to dictate where they go when theyā€™re under contract, especially without a no trade clause, is laughable

  29. MrErnie03

    Man this guy sucks now. True nature is definitely showing if this report is true

  30. The_Mootz_Pallucci

    This whole thing is costing Lame Time his credibility and respect in the fan base.

    He’s a punk walker like any other, a liar and hypocrite.

    Not even a Blazers fan.

    I wish I could hear Chuck on this – with regards to how easy NBA players today have it – what with the leniency and massive contracts.

  31. HisExcellency20

    It’s actually wild to me that people STILL have way more of an issue with KD going to the Warriors *as a free agent* than Lillard *forcing his way to the Eastern Conference Champions* a year after signing a max deal with Portland.

    I mean I realize the Warriors were an objectively better team than the Heat and KD was a much better player than Dame (still is, but he also was) but still. KD was a free agent and Lillard is not. He is also *only willing to play for one team, with no assets of value that they are willing to trade*.

    I’m not saying this isn’t a big deal and no one cares obviously it is and they do, but this is so much worse than what KD did and it has no chance of being received that way.

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