@New York Knicks

Would y’all have been upset with this trade if it was accepted?

Would y’all have been upset with this trade if it was accepted?

by TheKnicksRecap


  1. WorldWideWes2

    I would have been excited to get the goat but also aware of how risky his contract would be.

  2. Jumbojetryan

    Yes. I don’t see the point in giving up Grimes with the growth he has shown so far. Also PG is terrific but to assume he wont continue his injury streak is misguided optimism add his contract and it seems like this would have been a fun ride for ~1 season; followed by a return to where we are now but with less assets, an older Brunson/ Randle, and a big financial handicap.

  3. wetfarts2

    No but they counter offered and wanted RJ instead of Obi and George wanted an extension

  4. WhoTookPlasticJesus

    Upset? No. Excited? Absolutely not.

  5. Shoddy_Bandicoot_553

    No way. Grimes and 3 first rounders for someone who’s not fully committed to winning a chip.
    The dude is doing podcasts and misses half of every season. He doesnt want it like that, not anymore.

  6. det8924

    It would depend on what picks they were but that wouldn’t have been the worst trade but I would rather hold onto IQ and the picks for a younger less injury prone player

  7. kbocker_

    This failed to mention that PG, who is 33, wanted a contract extension of 4 years $220 million

    Not only would I be upset, I’d be offended

  8. If this was 2015 I would be excited 😂 but as of 2023 nahhhhhh.

  9. SuccessfulPath7

    How would that work cap space doesn’t work …

  10. Norby710

    Injured Paul George and playoff randle take the stage with significantly less assets? Count me out.

  11. ChiefHunter1

    That would’ve been a pretty good trade tbh.

  12. Chemical_One

    Impossible to say without knowing what the picks were. If they were 3 fully unprotected NYK picks I wouldn’t feel great, but if it was 1 of ours + 2 others we own I’d be all for it.

  13. bsanchey

    Not really because they was asking for too much as a counter offer. If those picks are non Knicks picks ok or even lottery protections. But not 3 unprotected Knicks picks and then have to extend him. Nah.

  14. Savagevandal85

    I would of done it provided we keeping iq

  15. CenaSucks

    Definitely. Even if you don’t think Obi is worth much, why would we give up Grimes and 3 FRPs for the privilege of extending a guy that the Clippers don’t want to extend? PG is great but the age, injuries, and contract make the risk too big to give up that much.

  16. IBManhattan

    When was the last time PG played close to a full season? He’s talented, no doubt; just too many injuries.

  17. Every-Action7918

    you’d only be happy if you think the league is nba 2k

  18. johnhenryirons

    This was what the Knicks were going to offer. Not what LAC was going to accept. The whole report is dumb. Also don’t doubt that the “knicks were not going to sign an extension with PG” is a tactic the Clippers are using to not have to extend him this offseason yet.

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