@Boston Celtics

Romeo Langford now a free agent

Romeo Langford now a free agent

by OnLandOrSeaOrFoam


  1. princeofzilch

    He probably has one more contract to show something.

  2. SquimJim

    Langford and Porzingis are unicorns. Porzingis in that his skillset and size are so unique and Langford because he doesn’t exist. He is an NBA level defender, but when he was here he was never on the court.

  3. SadisticMystic

    He seems to be a fringe NBA player, some NBA team may throw a 1 year vet min contract his way though I don’t think it will be the Celtics.

  4. burner_for_celtics

    I wonder what the behind-the-scenes is on him. He hasn’t made a leap or anything, but he has improved a little bit year over year. His injuries seem like constant sprains and soreness (at least the lower body ones), but never anything you’d expect to be career-altering.

  5. jpaxlux

    Still an end of bench guy at this point. If Popovich couldn’t get anything out of him then he is what he is.

  6. Doggystyle_Gary

    I’d say give him a job being the guy that mops up wet spots on the floor but he probably couldn’t stay healthy doing that either.

  7. King_Of_Pants

    I’d honestly consider it.

    Losing Smart and Grant has our on-ball defence in doubt and we know Langford at the very least is special in that regard (and SA fans seemed to have the same impression). I don’t think he’d get regular minutes but I do think his floor is a decent enough break-in-case-of-emergency type player.

    For all the red flags (mostly his offence and injuries), the upside is that he’s a 23-year-old who can defend MVP-caliber players at multiple positions.

    I think being a former Celtic hurts his case on this sub, there’s a “been there done that” sense with him. If there wasn’t a direct history with Romeo, people would be open to him getting the 15th roster spot. I think he’s at the very least on par with the g-leaguer or undrafted guy we probably give that spot to.

  8. thatgreik

    Honestly, bring him back. Some extra guard/wing defense wouldn’t hurt.

  9. DoomdUser

    Hard pass. The Celtics have already begun trying to have a “re-do” on Langford with Juhann Begarin, who is 21 and already more interesting than Langford. Who knows what could have happened if Romeo had stayed healthy, but it appears the offensive part of his game is just never gonna come around. If Begarin can get coached up to shoot even a little bit, he’ll be a monster, and it’s still possible because he’s so young. Romeo is never going to be a monster.

  10. 97PunkRawk

    Would rather have Javonte back but wouldn’t hate it on a min

  11. WhiskeyDickGotNoChic

    Please no. He’s only 23 years old and pop doesn’t want him on a rebuilding team. That is pretty damning. We do not need round 2 of celtics fans deluding themselves into thinking romeo is anything worth a damn.

  12. Whalelorde22

    Romeo is the one thing that makes me concerned about Walsh. I love good defense as much as the next guy, but Romeo played good defense and couldn’t find a spot because he couldn’t contribute on offense. Obviously our expectations are more appropriate for Walsh, but unless he develops a shot I don’t see it going much better for him

  13. longagofaraway

    the only romeo related highlights i can remember are how high he was in every group shot on social media

  14. PoiZoNxo

    Unfortunately for him he might be done in the league

  15. archerarcher0

    Wait what?? Can we afford him? I actually fully loved romeo here and would be ecstatic if we got him back, anyone else still on romeo island?

  16. tonylouis1337

    Such a non-story. While we’re at it what’s Semi Ojeleye up to?

  17. JayLarranagasEyes

    He’s a good NBA defender. We need wing depth. Wouldn’t mind it.

  18. Hogo-Nano

    If pop is giving up on him I want zero piece of him tbh.

  19. xbadskeletorx

    Legit I think I would prefer nesmith back.

  20. schemeorbeschemed

    Why do we talk about this guy so much? He didn’t do anything for us and it was years ago at this point.

  21. handsome_ruminator

    They could do worse for wing depth, but I’m hoping for some Javonte Green.

  22. wellbreastfed

    Pop couldn’t use him, neither can Joe bazooka

  23. Frodo_Mk

    I remember his put back dunk over Steven Adam just a week or two before the league got shut down like it was yesterday

  24. GotAMouthTalkAboutMe

    I remember he had the highest rate of getting to the foul line in the draft class, but my only memories of his offense was hitting some corner 3s. More 3s than I remember Aaron Nesmith ever making haha

  25. technicklee

    Bring some defensive hustle and hope that he can gain confidence on the offensive end as a minimum, 15th man? Definitely.

    People in the minute allotment thread are talking about giving PP 15 minutes per game, don’t see how that’s more feasible than Romeo getting 3 a game. Great point has been made about Pop passing him over though. IU alum though so I’d love to see Romeo come back and flourish.

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