@Chicago Bulls

[Gottlieb] Julian Phillips has not yet signed his contract, so he is not playing today, per Bulls PR

[Gottlieb] Julian Phillips has not yet signed his contract, so he is not playing today, per Bulls PR

by howser343


  1. I-N_Clined

    Damn, I was looking forward to watching him play today

  2. CubsBearsIlliniBulls

    Don’t blame him at all. Look what happened to EJ Liddell last year. Awesome stuff by the front office letting this happen.

  3. RapsFanMike

    FA signings havnt been made official yet as well. So either Akme are slow on the job or they pre occupied with something bigger

  4. well there goes half the reason of watching

  5. RespectYoSmelf

    Don’t blame Phillips at all, why would he risk injury.

    But wtf AKME???

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