@Toronto Raptors

Fred VanVleet addressed the reports regarding him and Pascal being deeply frustrated with the younger players on the roster last season

Fred VanVleet addressed the reports regarding him and Pascal being deeply frustrated with the younger players on the roster last season

by RaptorsUpdates


  1. shiftydnm

    Hearing him ask about IG follows out loud made me cringe. Grown ass man. Corniest question of all time lmao.

  2. sllegal

    We are really going to miss Fred’s maturity in giving interviews.

  3. RoysRBoy

    Between this and what Thorpe said starting to feel like Toronto is trying to push Siakam out.

    Sensitive ass fanbase

  4. forustree

    Kills it
    He’s a smart man Fred.
    Makes me feel better about it all …

  5. Shitty leading question by the interviewer. There were no concerns about Fred and Pascal “starting beef” with the team. There were reports they were frustrated with the young guys performance/work ethic/attitude. Big difference. Maybe if you read Reddit and IG there are questions about beef, but if that’s where you’re getting your information than…

  6. beefJeRKy-LB

    I’m sure there was friction and losing doesn’t help. I don’t buy that it was personal in any way though.

  7. JeemonG

    How MJ and Kobe spoke to their teammates compare to what it is now, arguments between teammates is rated PG. 2019 Championship team said things behind close doors were heated and will never get out.

  8. peroper7

    There’s really nothing you can say to a guy like Fred lol, he’s a really good player who worked really hard to get where he is. I think everybody respected eachother to the end, and I’m 100% confident that Masai only drafts players with good character.

    So yeah, bad fit personality wise.

  9. Interesting-Bear4092

    Yeah pretty mature response. But all that pecking order talk was not a good omen for the team

  10. OtisKaplan

    Wow he gave a great unprepared response

  11. heat_00

    I believe FVV and honestly , scottie seems so immature both on and off the court, do we honestly think that kid doesn’t need a little vet leadership? Not everything needs to be roses all the time and you need vets to call out the bs tbh.

  12. Raptorsthrowaway1

    Dont want anything to do with that $40m annual contract. But we gonna miss Fred a lot

  13. hypespud

    Honestly, this is increasingly unprofessional

    You know who I haven’t heard comment on Fred? Scottie, GTJ, Precious, OG, Siakam, Masai, Bobby, Vince Carter, Tmac, Bosh, Bargnani, Anthony Parker, Garbajosa, Oakley, Muggsey Bogues, Doug Christie, Loren Woods, literally anyone connected to the Raptors, and anyone else in the NBA

    Who has talked about and criticized the entire Raptors team over, and over, and over again? Fred

    That alone should tell you who is in the wrong here. Fred does not respect other players, and only wants to spout his own story.

    Scottie actively chose not to comment on Fred’s situation. That is professional, and respectful. Listen to Scottie’s comments when inquired by Complex Canada. He literally started and ended at “I don’t know anything about that.” Period.

    Obviously Fred does not feel anyone on the Raptors deserves the same level of respect.

    The amount of excuses and mental gymnastics some of this fanbase goes through to defend these clearly disrespectful and unprofessional actions by a former player is a joke

  14. LostPants7

    Winning solves everything. FVV is a great public speaker

  15. Ehxcalibur

    Lmao damn dude asked that question like a highschool girl, Fred with the perfect response haha

    ‘whatchu on the Shaderoom or somethin?’

  16. Temporary-Vanilla-57

    The host structured the question so poorly lol. Broken telephone for real

  17. Large_Housing4039

    It’s true what he says. Its not like any Raps players can go on reddit and say what needs to be said cause its a losing proposition against anonymous people with no consequences on their end. Whats he supposed to do? Come on whenever some guy talks shit?

    Its like those guys on this sub that think Masai should to be held accountable for their butthurt! 🤣

  18. jeRskier

    Great answer. We’ll miss his leadership.

  19. 613toes

    God I’ll miss his interviews. Such a great speaker and just lets it fly with no regard for people getting butthurt

  20. StellarLightyear

    Sincere question: why do my Toronto bredren make so much more of players than they are? I mean, Fred was good player, but was not a great Raptor. He was a bench player on that Championship team and got demolished in that Philly series. He made some shots in the finals, but you’re talking about the 6th and 7th option on that team.

    They remained competitive when Kyle stuck around and they had one decent year after he left and then it went to shit when Fred was a leader. Is it the bet on yourself stuff? I don’t get it.

  21. NoOffer5597

    The vets were showing the new guys how to win and they weren’t feeling it. It’s 4 (coach included) against 12 players. The majority won.

  22. Chris_TO79

    That was a perfect and I think pretty honest answer from his point of view. One thing you can count on with FVV he’s going to tell it how he sees it in a more or less calm rational manner.

  23. motherseffinjones

    This why the media loved Fred so much, he kept it real and didn’t run from questions. He is a raptors legend let’s not forget that

  24. Future-Tart

    So he basicly confirmed there was tension and things weren’t working.

  25. CheatedOnOnce

    What the fuck is he gonna do in Houston lmfao

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