@National Basketball Association

Damian Lillard Explains Why he Doesn’t Like Jordan Poole

Seems like Poole is universally hated on


Lillard discussed this altercation on ‘The Colin Cowherd’ podcast, explaining how Poole’s comments triggered his competitive response.

>“I really didn’t pay attention to him until maybe like two years ago,” Lillard said. “We played against Golden State, and Steph was hurt, Draymond was hurt. We was playing against them, and he wasn’t playing a lot of minutes, but he like did a move, and he like scored on me. He hit a shot, he hit a three, and he started talking s\*\*t. And I was like, ‘I don’t talk s\*\*t. I don’t say nothing, I just play. If somebody say something to me, I’ll say something back, but whatever.
“He said something, so I looked back, like what? I think I had like 40, but we lost at Golden State. Towards the end of the first half or whatever, I’m at the free throw line, and he’s just back there talking. So I turn to him, and I’m like, ‘Man, shut the f\*\*k, like shut up. He was like, ‘Make me.’ So, my natural instinct was like, ‘Bro, I train in combat. I’m from Oakland. That was my natural. So, we start going back-and-forth.”

by Sea_Background5670


  1. archerarcher0

    I feel like we currently have like a jordan Poole heat meter in regards to if he deserved to get punched by draymond

    Like Washington intro interview it shifts towards the “didn’t deserve side” and after hearing he was a dick to Kerr and talked shit to dame for no reason now it’s going towards the “deserved the punch” side

    Or maybe fuck dame and that actually puts him the other way?

  2. Psychological_Cod180

    Dame is Draymonds boy obviously he don’t like him lol

  3. saltface14

    “Bro I train in combat” 🤣 lmao Dame is a clown man

  4. orphicwitch

    i was on his side until “i train in combat”

  5. nicklovin508

    Train for combat lol ok you wack ass rapper

  6. Smekledorf1996

    ‘Bro, I train in combat’ has to be the cheesiest shit I’ve ever heard lol

  7. Parenegade

    Anybody who is saying Jordan Poole deserved to get punched because he’s an asshole is crazy. That’s just not how you resolve shit as a grown-ass man. That being said, anyone who acts like he’s an angel and the Warriors did him dirty are also dumb as bricks, this organization didn’t want to deal with his bs anymore.

  8. no_milk_no_sugar

    Hard to decide which one is the bigger clown.

  9. _s0lace_

    >I think I had like 40, but we lost

    Dame’s career in a nutshell

  10. Corvo_Attano_451

    Dame about to drop the Navy Seal copy pasta, talking about “I train in combat” 😂

  11. PizzaMan11554

    Moral of the story, when GSW were without Curry and Dray, Poole stepped up and got Dame out of his game and beat his team.


  12. TinTinsKnickerbocker

    Lillard definitively talks shit

  13. russfan0987

    Watched this interview a year ago and i’m pretty sure it just ends with Dame praising Poole

  14. by_yes_i_mean_no

    Egregious clickbait when you cut the story off halfway through and change the takeaway completely. Should be banned tbh.

  15. knownsportsenjoyer

    People who say they train in combat are 0 for the field in fights, 36 years old doing karate. Tae bo hoe.

  16. “I train in combat” is crazy. Don’t fuck with Dame, he’s got the power of God and anime on his side.

  17. newacc4thelasttime

    “‘Bro, I train in combat. I’m from Oakland”

    This guy is so corny lmao

  18. GlueGuy00

    it would’ve been fun if Dame really made Poole shut up during that game lol

  19. Strategist40

    Dame boxes right? Just say you box.

    Not this “I train for combat” stuff.

  20. bravof1ve

    Holy shit Lillard is incredibly corny.

    And it’s crazy how in peoples heads Poole is.

  21. MR___SLAVE

    Lillard sounds like a clown in this. “train in combat”

    That’s some intimidating stuff.

  22. lancelinksecretchimp

    After the last few weeks, you can’t convince this isn’t who Dame really is. He just had good PR early on and got the reputation for being loyal, but now he’s just showing his ass while Portland makes his great grandchildren millionaires. They don’t owe winning to him.

  23. dame out here taking classes from steven seagal

  24. xbarracuda95

    ‘I train in combat’ LOL. Was Dame going to start a fistfight right there because he couldn’t handle Poole’s trashtalk?

  25. happyflappypancakes

    Ngl this makes Dame sound worse than Poole lol.

  26. tuatara_teeth

    man, the difference between Real and Corny is such a fine line.

    but “bro, I train in combat” tips it instantly

  27. zombie-gorilla

    And apparently Poole is trained in mental combat.

  28. Used-Caregiver2364

    Don’t think there’s a single player that actually like Jordan Poole. Dude is clearly the biggest POS in the NBA. He’s absolutely awful on the court, and he thinks he’s actually a star.

  29. GnabryBallonDor2020

    This interview was a year ago why are you posting this

  30. omgwtfhax2

    This post is dumb AF, that interview then continue’s and he praises Jordan Poole. It was “I was a jordan poole hipster and saw it coming because he was talking trash” not “I don’t like jordan poole because he talked trash”.

  31. LackingInPatience

    The 180 and hate boner this sub posts on Poole now is weird. He had a bad playoffs but let’s stop acting like he shouldn’t be in the NBA.

    Also this interview finishes with Lillard praising Poole and the GSW vets for his development.

  32. A_Vizzle

    From Oakland, trains in combat, ain’t killed a mfer yet

  33. Bubbatino

    Has anyone’s approval rating dropped faster? Lmao

  34. WinterCareful8525

    Him and Jimmy a match made in

  35. DogeGod_Ricky-C

    Jordan Poole winning a chip was the tip of the iceberg for Dame

  36. burglin

    So Poole was talking shit, Dame didn’t like it, so he said “I train in combat.” Idk why I’m supposed to dislike Poole, and not Dame, from this

  37. So I was expecting to dislike Poole more after opening this thread but came away thinking Dame is corny as fuck.

  38. McSkittlez_

    OP and others like OP should be banned from creating posts. Took part of a quote from over a year ago and made it completely the opposite of Lillard’s main point. Even titled it to entice r/nba.

  39. Paused_Toast

    Ayo Dray, handle my lightweight – Dame.


  40. Soren_Camus1905

    Sounds like Poole just talked some shit?

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