@Denver Nuggets

I found this bit of Quasimodo like clairvoyance in an old r/nba post (disclaimer: I’m a Spurs fan but I usually root for you guys unless against my team)

I found this bit of Quasimodo like clairvoyance in an old r/nba post (disclaimer: I’m a Spurs fan but I usually root for you guys unless against my team)

by Bread_nugent


  1. No_Pension_4276

    You didn’t say you come in peace. Get him boys!

  2. DrizzleMcSizzle

    The fact that its a Lakers fan makes it that much better

  3. BigFatModeraterFupa

    man sometimes it doesn’t even feel real…

    the Nuggets are the NBA Champions.

    what an incredibly fun, fulfilling, and ultimately rewarding postseason run.

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