@Boston Celtics

Damian Lillard Trade Rumors: ‘No Progress at All’ on Heat-Blazers Talks for Star

Damian Lillard Trade Rumors: ‘No Progress at All’ on Heat-Blazers Talks for Star

by horseshoeoverlook


  1. TastesLikeHoneyNut

    Until Miami offers up Bam (aka never) or Dame loosens his ridiculous demands, there won’t be any progress

  2. Dangerous_Toe_5482

    Itll happen eventually im assuming, but maybe not until the deadline

  3. Fred_Sav4ge

    Dame is showing his whiny bitchass colors this off-season

  4. Plastic_Database_645

    I feel like Celtics reports of having Dame is just Brad’s bluff for Heat to over compensate with trade assets. We are never interested with Dame to begin with now that JB’s extension is not yet finalized.

    Heat knows we can offer a better package so we expect them to offer more than us than what they intended to essentially making their roster weak.

    Well played by Brad if that’s the case.

  5. Dudeman-Jack

    Celtics need to get this guy. Tell Wyc to buy him a Learjet and let him live in Miami and fly in for the games.

    You can probably get a nice Gulfstream and a good pilot for about 25 game checks

  6. Ear_Enthusiast

    I like Miami as an organization. I like the way they do things. I definitely don’t like the idea of them getting Dame but I respect it. Well played, Pat. That said, fuck their weird fans. This Dame thing has brought out the worst in them and somehow we’re in their crosshairs over it.

  7. danorcs

    If JB somehow refuses to sign the supermax extension or Brad refuses to give it, then dame is a nice get to keep the team contending going into Tatum’s max

    So the flexibility for this option is nice

  8. daft_dunkwwwolfey

    Oh man I would love for this to drag to the deadline, which it probably will 😊

  9. WyldeStallions

    Why the actual fuck are we posting updates that aren’t updates

  10. Smart-Koala4306

    Portland needs to just trade him and his 3 years to a shit team. Let him wither away.

    All it took was one week to ruin a great reputation.

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