@Boston Celtics

Bulpett: Grant Williams Speaks out on Celtics Departure

Bulpett: Grant Williams Speaks out on Celtics Departure

by RLS012


  1. brutalgash

    Nothing particularly illuminating here. Grant’s perspective pretty much backs up the consensus take on why he was moved. Best thing for both sides. Too much money for a guy we’re not gonna give big minutes to.

  2. holographoc

    Good dude. Will miss his personality for sure. Had some great moments, especially last year, but I appreciate his perspective here as well. Just wasn’t the right fit, though it would’ve been a luxury to keep him.

    That Joe quote though, I think is telling.

    “Stop making it about yourself”.

    Unfortunately his approach all year had “contract year” vibes written all over it, where he was just clearly going way beyond his role, way too often, very rarely to positive outcomes. So many absurd pump-fake baseline drives into nothingness. Just why?

    And of course, the comic book-esque complaining to refs. Can’t get techs when your the 10th man unless you need somebody to send a message.

    I get it though. He wants to do more as a player, so he did. But yeah it was clear he was going off script pretty often, and I understand why he was getting DNP’s in the end. The games he played best in the playoffs were the ones where he just defended hard and made a few shots.

    Mildly worried about lacking that strength and size down low for the Giannis, Embiid matchups, but we’ll see.

    We’ll always have Game 7 Grant though. Travel on Batman.

  3. NeedLegalAssistance0

    I think he’s going to be a bigger loss than people think.

  4. danorcs

    As many in this sub noted Brad Steven’s moved on the two players who Joe didn’t really sync with

    It’s real faith in the coach I really really hope Joe pans out else it’s probably the worst decision made so far by Brad

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