@Boston Celtics

Jordan Walsh comparison

Who does Jordan Walsh remind you guys of? I got these 3 guys.

I said a while ago and I still think he will be in the rotation playing minutes.

by Georgia4life


  1. leeguel

    This is a disrespect of prince to have him on a list with demarre carrol

  2. _canadianbacon

    If he turns out like Prince then this would be one of the best picks we’ve had over the past 20 years

  3. GhostOfJiriWelsch

    Not that I think he’s going to reach Tayshauns potential but in terms of body type that’s who he reminded me of immediately. Couple of inches shorter but they’re both super long, thin, and lanky.

  4. urasquid28

    Demar Carrol plays nothing like Batum or Prince

  5. Thabo Sefolosha. Decent role player. Excellent defender. 6’7 with a long wingspan. Streaky 3 point shooter but had stretches of shooting well. Does a lot off ball. They feel pretty similar in terms how how they impact the game.

  6. ALotOfLobster

    Honestly, AK47 seems like a solid comp

  7. w3bCraw1er

    What a joke. He is at MJ level. Not at these scrubs level.

  8. Special-Cat-5480

    Tayshaun Prince is the most apt comparison because of JW’s length and tenacity on defense. He’s not a playmaker, doesn’t have the handle, but he rebounds and slashes to the basket in the same way Prince did before he discovered his 3 ball. If we get even half of Prince’s offensive game out of JW, Brad would have hit a home run with this pick.

  9. GooseMay0

    I mean if he can be like any of these three players that would be beyond my expectations. These are three solid to very good role players.

  10. CombinationBoring220

    Teshawn prince was def better than these 2 he was a starter in championship teams

  11. Joe_Swervington

    Walsh is a poor man’s Iguadala

  12. a1mrbhelpuri

    It’s summer league… doubt he seems more than 8 min in the games he plays

  13. hernandezjon1421

    bad post, no Jordan or Magic smh

  14. CantHandleTheTruth34

    I don’t see Scottie Pippen or Kawhi Leonard on this list. Why are we trying to limit his ceiling? He’s only 19!

  15. SooooooMeta

    You know who his body type actually reminded me of a few times? Dennis Rodman. Makes sense, because their height and arm length are supposedly quite comparable with a 6’7″ height for both, with a 7’2″ wingspan for Walsh, 7’3″ for Rodman. Maybe send him into the trenches a little there

  16. ericdeben

    I think his ceiling this season is Herb Jones

  17. diamondstylus

    He is definitely getting minutes this year. Phenomenal athlete developing a lot of scoring skills. Great pick by The Celtics.

  18. tangcity

    Aaron Gordon.

    More wingspan, less bounce.

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