@Oklahoma City Thunder



by Spare-Water-7672


  1. Am_Ghosty

    Everybody calling cap but…

    Presti and co. wouldn’t be doing their jobs if they weren’t *discussing the framework* of bringing a player of Dame’s caliber in. Does that mean they expect to actually do it? Not necessarily. But you’ve gotta talk about it, in case it opens up some way some how. You’d be crazy not to.

  2. For those that listen to the DTD pod, this would definitely be a “pushing the button” move. And in order to make the salaries work, you’d for sure have to include SGA – which is a non-starter. Unless anyone thinks that a combo of Bertans/Dort/Dipo for Dame, plus a zillion picks is going to get it done for PDX. But that’s not me. And there isn’t any way Giddey/Chet/Dub is involved in anyway, they are as close to untouchable as you can get (unless its Luka/Giannis/Tatum we’re talking about)

    In addition, Dame is in “Win Now™ mode” and this team even around him probably isn’t ready to win now. SGA is 2 years away from his prime for cat’s sake! And everyone else is younger on the timeline. This is about as “no way in hell” as you can get and still have 3 toes on the same foot in reality.

  3. guccispharmacyworld

    Shai lillard Chet giddey? My goodness crazy.

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