@National Basketball Association

Nate Robinson’s flip celebration over Paul Pierce (2010)

Nate Robinson’s flip celebration over Paul Pierce (2010)

by WhenMachinesCry


  1. hott_ballz

    This clip is first ballot NBA highlight hall of fame.

  2. nakotamcc

    Why does Ray Allen look so disgusted during the clip???

  3. JMAS4592

    Probably the 2nd hardest time Nate Robinson got dropped on the floor

  4. DannyDeBMO

    Nate gotta be in shock that Paul Pierce just bounced him off like that

  5. BetweenTheBuzzAndMe

    Ray Allen coming into frame really seals this whole clip as one of my favorites

  6. Dame2Miami

    Ray Allen with the disgusted “you dumb motherfucker” face lmaooo

  7. ginzberg

    Worst part of Boston in the summer are those pesky gnates

  8. splashtonkutcher

    The b&w edit with the piano music made this better

  9. haveasuperday

    That is Dunk Contest winner Nate Robinson underestimating his own bounce

  10. ttvdokkan

    Paul pierce and vegeta give me the same vibes ill explain it later

  11. Waesrdtfyg0987

    I remember that game. Christmas day 2010?


    edit: nope they didn’t play Christmas Day. I remember it though

  12. mcarora19

    Love Pierce just powering through that stupid shit

  13. Loool “Yay Paul! Here’s a knee to the dome for ya”

  14. JerryBlitter

    I hate those goddamn Celtics but my lord is this good. Like a fine wine.

  15. daslyvillian

    How can you not include the shot? Wack.

  16. 0percentwinrate

    He almost cracked PP’s skull💀

  17. JuicyCumMinstry

    Nate Robinson unironically got me into basketball. He’s the reason I cheer for the Warriors lol

  18. HS941317

    The big 3 era Celtics + rondo had some insane moments lol

  19. cricket9818

    This gives me “Kevin hart in scary movie 3” vibes

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