@Boston Celtics

Honest thoughts on coach Mazzulla and do you see him coaching us by 2026?

His tenure here so far has been nothing short of controversial. A coach who preaches his analytic system that has cleared way for multiple players last year to have career years. But his heavy reliance on 3 pointers and no timeout calls in key situations has divided the fanbase.

I have a lot of confidence in Mazzula. I believe his system and style of play works with this type of roster. The concerns about his defense are completely overblown in my
opinion and I don’t have a lot of worry that we won’t be elite on that end next year.

What’s your thoughts and biggest concerns on Mazzulla?

by ECviews


  1. I_Set_3_Alarms

    I think people were too harsh for him on the cards he was dealt last year, and I’m kind of viewing him as a rookie player who got hurt their first year, like Chet, Blake, and Ben Simmons

  2. JaylenBrownAllStar

    I want to see him with a full offseason and actual coaches on the bench

    I like him a lot, I think he is going to fix the timeout issue as it wasn’t much of an issue by the ECF as compared to the rest of the season

  3. JayLarranagasEyes

    It’s so hard to evaluate coaches I have no idea. He did reasonably well this year. Brad seems to have a ton of belief in him so I think that’s a good thing

  4. nicklovin508

    I think it’s incredible how much fell on his shoulders so quickly. Realistically Brad probably never envisioned him to be head coach, we had a great in house option in Will Hardy that of course due to shit luck took the Jazz job before Ime’s fiasco. Joe was shoved a ton of responsibility, then loses his right hand Damon Stoudemire halfway into the season. Somehow he rallied and continued to rally us down 0-3 to the Heat and almost pulled the impossible. Now lets see what he’s learned this year and with a full offseason being at the helm.

  5. He wasn’t that bad. He wasn’t even supposed to be a head coach yet, last year was supposed to be his first year as a lead assistant. Maybe not the best situation for a rookie coach to step into, a team that had already been to the finals and was establishing an identity. I think he’ll look a lot more confident this year, and having a tool like Porzingus when he’s healthy will help any coach be more dynamic.

  6. bryscoon

    I don’t know if anyone will be anywhere in 2026 lmao

  7. freehugandkiss

    Joe is usually the smartest guy in the room

  8. Seanmoby

    Purely from hearing him talk in interviews and through media I’m not totally sold on him yet. My one thought from a coaching perspective is I like a coach to instill an identity in a team and I feel like if anything we have sort of lost our defensive identity under Joe.

    Now that is also on the players and the fact that we have a decimated coaching staff last year. I think even this year it may be tricky to fully judge his ability with the team having a pretty serious shakeup with the smart porzingis deal.

    My hope is that this year we’re clearly the best offense in the league and Joe really puts his mark as an offensive minded coach because I’m just not convinced we’re going to be able to get back to being a top 3 defense with smart gone, Al aging and Brogdons injury.

  9. danorcs

    My concern is an outlier – Joe hasn’t really developed anyone, and the prospects in the team (PP Grant) became worse with him

    With the way things are going developing cheap picks is absolutely going to be what determines the level of contention

    The Heat did very well, and a lot of it goes to Spo. Not sure if Joe does the same

  10. Plastic_Database_645

    If Brad 100% buys in his system and schematics, then we should too.

    Give the guy his duly chance to prove himself with 1 full off season/training camp and veteran coaches.

    Excited to see how he will incorporate Kristaps offense in ours. Ceiling is KP low post plays (similar to Horford during early Brad coaching career) and I’d be damn dissapointed if he will just use KP as a bail out 3 guy. I highly doubt it though.

  11. Like him thus far despite mixed opinion’s about him last year. I think this year is the first true year to see if he’s going to be able to coach us to a title, and whether it’s with us or not I think he’ll develop into a good coach

  12. bkilpatrick3347

    Sounds like a cop out but I honestly think it’s just too early to tell. He needs an off-season and some roster construction with his coaching style in mind

  13. od1irish

    He was called second row Joe for a reason.

  14. lukasowski

    Mazzulla is a championship coach. Give him time.

  15. KyrieLS777

    You can’t give a fair analysis after he didn’t get a fair year. Give him next season, where he gets a full summer to prepare and his own coaching staff. I understand being emotional over Joe and seeing his flaws and disliking certain things, but he still deserves a fair chance.

  16. AngelofVerdun

    I still think his adjustments during the Heat series were fucking amazing and he doesn’t get enough credit for them. Part of the reason that series even went to 7 was because of him, learning on the fly, in his first year as HC, against an elite HC in Spo, with a pretty gutted assistant bench supporting him. Super excited to see what he does with a full offseason, with some really experienced coaches around him.

  17. jeffhplays

    Bill Simmons said on a recent podcast – if we got swept by Miami, he’s fired for sure

  18. Goffsyrup

    Not going to be around long if ge doesn’t get one in the next 2yrs.
    I don’t think he should be the scapegoat but it’s just the nature of the NBA.
    This most recent year i beleieve he was in over his head but ultimately the biggest failure belongs to the players imo. Lets see if they can gel this season.

  19. Usual-Chemist6133

    I really like his no time out use honestly. Specially when the C’s are playing stupid. let them out there figure it out and not save them

  20. Jamobill9999

    The guy became head coach days before the season started with zero heads up. Didn’t have a staff and didn’t have an offseason to even consider how he would run an NBA team…. Still led the team to the best record since 08’ and to within a game of the finals. Honestly fuuuuck anyone who wants to criticize the guy.. and this is coming from someone who thinks NBA coaches are irrelevant for the most part

  21. garnelling

    We have a win now roster but we have a rookie coach. This is Brad’s one big blunder. And it is a big one.

    Also we had the deepest bench in the league and he had no clue on his to use the personnel. Talent gets you there, but coaching and critical adjustments get you the last win. Joe was out of his league against Spo.

  22. skoowoowoo

    He does front flips which is pretty fucking cool.

  23. luke_workin

    He’s lucky he got two of the top assistants in the game. Dude would be exposed next season without Smart running the show on both ends, but especially on defense.

  24. SteveTheBluesman

    He may become a good coach, but right now he is a very green banana. Not even close to ripe yet.

    Dude needs more years as an assistant. Shit, he was second row before the whole Ime thing went down.

    If Ime didn’t flame out, would Joe be anywhere near a head coaching job in a couple of years, much less now?

  25. keithwbacon_

    For the difficult situation he was put in, he deserves some credit. Looking forward to next season.

  26. TheSaltySloth

    I’m very low on him and have been since January

  27. xiyangmili

    Honest thoughts? He cost our chance of a championship this year and is bound to cost this current core a championship.

  28. Fresh_Ostrich4034

    im interested in how he will manage the roster with Porzingis on the IR

  29. msnthrop

    I like Brad, and Brad seems to like him. I think he is full of shit though.

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