@Philadelphia 76ers


The Philadelphia Sixers lose game 7 to the Boston Celtics. Joel Embiid and James Harden should be questioned after Jayson Tatum delivered 51 points. #Sixers #Celtics #NBA #76ers

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  1. Even if he is healthy, Embiid is still not that number 1 guy. Not when it comes down to the most tough, pressure and important moment. You can tell just by the body language, and it is that same pitiful body language of all time in crucial moments of the playoff, that all it does is finished not only himself, but also his team mates and fans. And I said this two years ago and got hated, but I just couldn't see it. I just felt that he is not scary in the tough situations, I just felt that in a do or die game, your number one player should scare the hell out of the oponent and their fans, not looking pitiful and destroyed, that's a negative energy. The Boston Celtics didn't even bother double teaming him. Am sorry, but it's the reality. The phillys needs that number one player. I will rather try building around Maxey, at least he is still young, and it is not good that he got to lookup to Embiid and Harden as role model, not with that energy and disgusting body language that Embiids always provides.

  2. Embiid had a swarm of green hornets around him the entire game,and times when he penetrated into the paint, how many times did Boston sting him by stealing the ball, or knocking it out of his hands for a turnover?! And Harden did what Harden does in “big game” situations, “the Philly choke”…not throwing shade, just the truth of how the game was played…no intensity, walking down the court on a change of possession,just basically giving up!

  3. Embiid must go and Tatum was laughing the whole time they got smoked I'm off the sixers train they'll never win anything

  4. Philly fans are amazing. Embiid gets the MVP, which is the only guy in the history of the NBA who shamelessly actively campaigned for it, and now want to trade him…. Jokic>Embiid(fraud)

  5. Look.. Embid is a monster. But he has to show up in the playoffs! I’m a huge Celts fan but that game was there for the taking.. Philly didn’t come out to play in the 2nd half.

  6. sixers should trade embiid. he doesnt have much longer of his "prime" and the value will only get worse the longer you wait. he isnt that guy. he's shown you several years of mediocrity, the highest he's taken that team was the 2nd round. he's been surrounded by all star talent throughout those years too. there isnt any excuse but to look at embiid and admit to yourself that he is not that guy. cool, he won probably the most fraudulent mvp in league history. so what? everybody believes that shouldve went to jokic. the only way for embiid to prove he deserved it was to do something in the playoffs. embiid as your leading man, is good for the 2nd round. he needs to be the 2nd option to a 1st option guard/wing. shaq was an absolute dominant force, he still needed that other guy. that kobe bryant. that dwayne wade. james harden, and tyrese maxey are not even close to being that. embiid is not a leader, he cries and complains when things dont go his way, he doesn't care about team success with the way he looked happy that the season was over. trade him, get value back, and watch another team try to assemble a team around a guy with no discipline.

  7. 4:16
    Bro, this all starts with Doc.
    Bud and Monty got fired. Doc shouldn't have a job either.
    Even Embiid copied Doc's doctrine of "It's a make or miss league."

  8. EXPLAIN how doc is a great coach and shouldn't be fired. Did you see his abysmal game seven record and how many times he has blown 3-1 and 3-2 leads more than any other coach.
    He doesn't comprehend in-game changes.

  9. Hey it’s all good Philly we still got the union to root for 😎 even tho they in Chester

  10. Embiid this Embiid that….Harden this and Harden that….I been saying its Maxey he's philly"…not them 2 soft souls…once they stop calling fouls for the manipulators/ scared ass players was over….but I been knew the Harden trade was dumb..2nd round again..I said Maxey the second best player he the 1st solely cause of his heart and fight and body language…..I been said Embiid not a leader and got dumb body language but I was told I got bad takes 😂😂…I know suckas wen I see suckas! ..Eagles just lost 2 but I'm so proud of the leader and the person Hurts is Joel Embiid this and that 😂 7 foot chump ridiculous (smart said I got'em lol) Embiid doesn't have 2 play down n the post he do everything……😂 except the playoffs now we need him 2 be aggressive and he don't know how 😂😂. Stupid Trade like I said!! now people want him gone dumb world. Glad I think different

  11. I’m sorry Celtics just have another level the sixers might never will reach. A lot of soul searching. The Celtics have the sixers number.

  12. Being a Philly fan , my son could of seen the Phillies , Eagles win a championship in his short time on this planet🤔 which has taking most fans almost a lifetime . Well as a fan always next year 😂😂😂😂 flyers who ? Haven’t been great since the legion of doom era they still can’t figure out a goalie . That’s being a Philly fan . Also F the cowbums 😂❤❤❤

  13. Embiid cared more about that mvp trophy then anything else

  14. I didn’t believe in Philly and people called me a hater lol. But fact is basketball players show you who they are in big moments. Harden has shown you already. Embiid has shown you already. I wasn’t surprised at all.

  15. The Celtics are loaded. Tatum doesn't always have to score his 30-point average. When he doesn't, he gets double figure rebounds, gets you assists and blocks.

  16. As a Cs fan, Joel was obviously hurt and you need a second big on the floor so Joel can just protect the rim because he can't defend the perimeter since he gets lost outside the paint.

    Listen, Celtics won this series 6-1 but blew two easy wins. Sixers had no chance.

  17. Every year we got to hear "credit to them"…enough of that. Go out n win n stop giving credit to the team that has eliminated you multiples times

  18. no offense to sixer fans but this franchise doesn't deserve to win a thing. built this team on nothing but intentional losing and poor, poor management

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