@Philadelphia 76ers

Why is our GM running the team like he’s Elon

Why is our GM running the team like he’s Elon

by leyendadelflash


  1. Prestigious-Rock201

    I’m about fed up with this shit man, we need to run him outta town. Whole comment section is doing that already thankfully

  2. jacobtfromtwilight

    Lol Jo’s tweet proves true

    Obviously having this many centers is probably not going to carry over into the season I expect to see… at the very least 1 of them traded

  3. lordlightskin67

    The whole trolling schtick has become annoying and unbearable I want this dude away from my team

  4. rahbee33

    We as fans probably invest too much time and energy into the team as it is, but this stuff from him and Joel makes me irrationally annoyed. It’d be one thing if they were actually funny, but they aren’t. At least not anymore.

  5. WyreseWaxey

    The way that Morey is trolling on Twitter thinking he’s funny while he lets the roster fall apart makes me wanna punch him through my screen. Same goes with Embiid trolling on Twitter after an all-time embarrassing playoff collapse. Both of them let us down, and now they’re joking about it.

    What happened to shame?

    Edit: Seems like everyone in this comment section said something similar to this

  6. twarihay

    Embiid and Morey gotta cut this shit out. It’s not funny anymore after collapsing in the playoffs every year

  7. bravof1ve

    The only positive I see here is that Morey and Embiid must know something is coming for them to feel comfortable acting like clowns on social media. Last time I remember these guys being so chatty is right before the Harden trade.

    That said, my faith in Morey is practically zero. It’s time to show us what is “up your sleeve” because the season long pursuit of Harden in 2022 has put the team in an awful spot with no easy outs.

  8. Wolfofwinter97

    This whole team needs a reality check. Y’all aren’t hot enough shit to just meme the off-season away. Sign a wing for fucks sake

  9. TerminallyTrill

    Y’all need to chill out.

    For your own good.

  10. HoagieTwoFace

    It’s like to team died halfway through the 3rd quarter of game 7 and all the survivors are walking around in complete denial.

  11. tigerpawn

    Aren’t two (or three) of the centers partially-guaranteed or non-guaranteed? It’s just another thing ppl are obsessing over because they’re panicked about the way the season ended.

  12. SomeGuyNamedJohn12

    I respect him for trying to lighten the mood and not take things too serious. He knows this season is a wash, but instead of doom and gloom he’s taking the opposite approach.

  13. Skullripper675

    I always reserve roster construction judgement until games actually start being played, but man I have absolutely no idea what is going on

  14. colin_7

    He’s not the GM casual. But you’re not wrong

  15. illzkla

    What is the percentage of NBA players that can’t touch their toes? Like i know they’re tall and lumber around like Dirk a bit, but I feel like they’re probably pretty agile and athletic outside of the context of NBA basketball

  16. dotheyoweusaliving1

    I wonder how his NFTs are doing.

  17. Fifediggity

    Ahahaha ya’ll need to chill. This isn’t life or death. It’s just hoop. These players, teams, GMs don’t care about you.

    He’s enjoying his life. Strong possiblity 2 of those centers will play the 4 too. Relax.

  18. Wallyworld77

    Cut Morey some slack. All he can think about is Joel Embiid. He’s imagining a Center, Center for his Center.

  19. redditckulous

    I think Morey is generally one of the best GM’s in the NBA. But he’s also too immersed in the crypto bro world. His views on crypto, NFTs, politics, etc. are all pretty reductive and are more grounded in the VC bubble than reality.

  20. Bajecco

    For Morey to clown like this….something is happening soon. It’s like he’s setting NBA up for an “I told you so!” moment.

  21. FriendofMaudie

    Well our GM is Elton, so it’s only one letter off.

  22. bamboleo11

    The only crazy theory I have of what’s goin on is he’s potentially stock piling bigs to counter teams in the market in trade talks that are stocked up on wings too i.e the Clippers? But even so they can’t trade the newly signed bigs till Dec anyway so do they think it’s just gonna go till the deadline? Does anyone really want Petrusev or Harrell on a deal? Is it just regular season positioning for Embiid to plays less games? I don’t get it at all can we please just sign Louis King or something?

  23. juiceindem

    I’m not about to cope and seethe over a tweet, but I’m also not gonna pretend to be completely unbothered.

    Trolling one of the most traumatized, passionate, and loyal fanbases after another season of disappointment and a so far underwhelming offseason is just not it. I don’t blame people for being upset. For me, it just feeds into an ever growing feeling of discontent and disillusionment as a fan of this team. And those feelings make me unamused by what many would consider an innocuous tweet.

  24. Doobie_Howitzer

    He would never be this smug if he didn’t have something up his sleeve. I love it… Unless he fucks us, then he’s a smug prick and I hope he gets fired

  25. cobbicus333

    Because he obviously is planning something and people are just butthurt they don’t know what. If people could just use their brains a little bit they’d realize there’s a move coming it’s just being blocked by the Dame trade half the league wants to get in on either to get dame or to facilitate the deal. The obtuse nature of this sub is so sad.

  26. sweet_hell

    It’s not a team. It’s a vehicle being used by property developers to acquire prime Center City real estate with a city backed tax abatement program.

    The last 3 years, and all current moves, make no sense otherwise.

  27. okokokok999999

    At least he is not running it like Mark Zuckerberg

  28. Mr_Booty_Bandit

    They should graduate from the Academy of getting out of the 2nd round instead

  29. Healthy-Plastic-435

    Every year there are 3 roster spots wasted on bad unplayable centers. Maybe try to use those spots on potential useful players Daryl

  30. bignickvick

    I like morey but I cannot stand him on twitter. This is a legit criticism just don’t respond Daryl, meme ain’t funny

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