@Philadelphia 76ers

[Grugan] Daryl Morey on 97.5: “I think James [Harden] is a little bit hard to play with at times. I think Joel [Embiid] is a little bit hard to play with at times. Both these guys are such dominant forces that they can be challenging for guys to play off of.” #Sixers

[Grugan] Daryl Morey on 97.5: “I think James [Harden] is a little bit hard to play with at times. I think Joel [Embiid] is a little bit hard to play with at times. Both these guys are such dominant forces that they can be challenging for guys to play off of.” #Sixers

by DanM142


  1. EvanKoolCid

    Is there anywhere to listen to the interview?

  2. Skywalkerkid9

    Look, if Harden was still the Harden of 5 years ago, Iā€™d believe this. But heā€™s not, and they had a really good thing going. The best passer in the league passing to the best scorer in the league. If you canā€™t build a winning team around that, idk what a winning team is.

    Additionally, they both may be ball dominant players, but neither one have ever had dominant personalities. This isnā€™t like a ā€œKobe wonā€™t pass the ball so Shaq wants to leaveā€ situation, both are more than willing to get the other one involved.

  3. Prestigious-Rock201

    I canā€™t believe he traded for a known quitter and choker man

  4. loneliness_sucks_D

    TIL wide open corner 3ā€™s are hard to play off of

  5. HoagieTwoFace

    What a terrible answer lol Morey is cooked

  6. MrCoochieWoo

    JJ Redick, Seth Curry, TJ Mconnel. Straight up lying. Thereā€™s a player type that fits perfectly well with these guys.

  7. TIandCAS

    Inb4 only the first 2 sentences of the quote are posted to the nba sub

  8. Itā€™s almost like you just need guys who can hit catch and shoot 3s at a high clip. What a concept

  9. Doobie_Howitzer

    I think the sixers are a little bit hard to root for at times. I think the sixers are very hard to root for at times. Both times are such negative forces that they can be challenging for fans to live with.

  10. averagebensimmons

    A lot of people said the same of Iverson and that team made it to the finals.

  11. Winter_Corner7254

    Sixers should do the cone of silence thing until they acquire somebody, anybody. Somehow, Morey keeps making the FO look worse.

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