@National Basketball Association

Draymond Responds to Mr. Poole


“That’s so cute… it’s impossible to avoid you an arena for a year champ. I got get my family from that family room every game. And stop using those words, they usually don’t go over well amongst men.”

For context: [\_pooles\_dad\_on\_draymonds\_recent\_comments\_im/](

by NeatWide2695


  1. ihateeuge

    lmao I’ll sock your old ass too 😤 😤 😤

  2. CapitalismEnthusiast

    Wow a violent piece of shit threatening more violence. What a shocker.

  3. CarryTheHellOn

    Grown ass men arguing over social media

  4. AnselLovesNuts

    Beefing Poole, his dad, and a fake KG quote all in one morning

  5. elon42069

    Draymond be a decent human challenge (impossible)

  6. MajorSlimes

    Draymond wanna punch Poole’s whole bloodline after this lmao

  7. NeatWide2695

    I don’t know why people say Draymond “I’ll beat your whole family up” Green is a violent guy

  8. maryjain_

    Unrelated but are players allergic to using proper grammar or something? I legit have to decipher what they’re trying to say in every tweet

  9. imminentjogger5

    Draymonds contract should have come with a muzzle clause. What are you doing man?

  10. TrashAssRedditAdmins

    Draymond will be terrorizing the entire Poole lineage by next summer.

  11. FrnklndaTurtle

    Nice undercard match for Musk/Zuck

  12. valiidiix

    Draymond annoying asf post incident has been nothing but him acting like mr nice guy for the media which is fraudulent cause in reality he doesn’t regret anything he did

  13. _Antonius

    Anthony Poole and Draymond’s tweets are fucking tough to understand at first read lol

  14. 401john

    “You want some of this too old man??”

  15. staymelooo

    Isn’t Draymond the same idiot who called Lebron a Bitch ??????

  16. Witty_Tonight_6478

    bros trigger word is ‘bitch’ too just like bron 😭

  17. ballerz77

    Why is it so difficult to understand what either of them are saying. Need a translator please

  18. jhussong91

    i feel like at this point it’s fair to assume all poole did was call draymond a bitch.

    clearly that’s a trigger word for him and it doesn’t seem like draymond understands that you don’t have to immediately punch someone because they called you a bitch.

  19. LockShitDown

    Draymond’s athleticism will decline, but his has attitude and mouth won’t. He’s just gonna become more and more unlikeable in the coming years.

  20. GuestBadge

    Fuck this dude and his lack of self-awareness. Things like these make me wish we got rid of him.

  21. _checkpickerupper

    When does Adam Silver step in? This seems like something that could turn into something.

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