@National Basketball Association

“I can feel the whole world hating me. No matter you put it, I feel like I have no fans out there and I can feel it because the whole world is saying it.” -Deandre Ayton

“I can feel the whole world hating me. No matter you put it, I feel like I have no fans out there and I can feel it because the whole world is saying it.” -Deandre Ayton

by Mechaultima


  1. GreatScottx

    He is truly the X-Factor for this Suns team. If he plays like a true 1st overall pick on this Suns team, the sky is the limit for this roster

  2. ClutchGamingGuy

    dude is on a contract worth over 130 million dollars

  3. Cy_Fiction

    He sounds a bit too concerned about what people think about him. That’s a dead end street for a pro athlete if there ever was one

  4. ApprehensiveAd6013

    Change the narrative? All he has to do is play hard. You can’t believe in guys like this. It was a large mistake matching that offer.

  5. gnofieBhpoT

    On one hand you feel kind of bad for him.

    On the other. This is sports my guy. This is a wierd bubble of shit that isn’t the real world and you’ve been living in it for like most your life.

    Get your shit together, wipe those tears away with one inch thick stack of hundreds and go fucking play like an adult.

    Cheryl Miller would eat this man alive on the court.

  6. rogozh1n

    I have a friend at work who talks shit about players like Ayton, who are very good but not totally meeting their potential. He has no respect for them and he demands titles and absolute excellence from all players.

    He is the weakest person at work, who constantly needs help, always struggles with the basics, and has no time management skills. He succeeds by sucking up to any female in management, so they laugh at his inadequacies instead of demanding he improve.

    How many of you all are at the top of your field, winning titles at work all the time?

    I’ll take my downvotes offline…

  7. Shiccup1

    Suns fans have been disgustingly toxic and using him as a scapegoat

  8. domingodlf

    Suns fans have been absolutely fucking horrible to Ayton forever. They talk about his struggles incessantly and conveniently forget the fact that, before he started being scapegoated and treated like shit by their whole fanbase, he was the starting center on a team that made the finals and averaged 15 and 12 on 67%ts and elite defense. He only started playing worse when the front office was forced to match the Pacers offer and everyone started blaming Ayton like it was his fault he got overpaid, and he started to want put because no one appreciated him at all. Shit I’d play with half effort too if I knew that the entire fanbase wants me dead and blames me for everything bad that happens while giving me 0 credit for the good stuff.

  9. SnooCakes1904

    It’s mental with DA. Physically he could be a force but he’s in a place where it’s tainted for him now. He needs a change of scenery. Being around KD won’t help. A fresh start would do this guy wonders.

  10. nullstellensatz1

    He’s not wrong, and I feel for the guy. I hope he has what it takes to prove everyone wrong

  11. Prolapse_leakage

    I’ve been through a lot myself and I know people on this sub have too. Say what you want about having all the money in the world but I think a good majority of you wouldn’t be able to handle that many people criticizing you regardless of net worth. I know I wouldn’t….

  12. thejewishprince

    He’s a good dude. The hate is unnecessary.

  13. imissbluesclues

    He can give a bad performance after bad performance and it still doesn’t justify people saying “I fucking hate him, he’s a little bitch”

    Like that’s not how you talk about another person

  14. lycosid

    Why is he in a police interrogation room?

  15. Background_Action_92

    I can give great hugs Deandre, dont be sad big dawg, just phoenix hates and they suck

  16. SnooChickens9571

    My son saw him get 20 rebounds against Dallas in Phoenix. So I’m a fan.

  17. JudaiTerumi

    Dude DOES get **hella** hate for someone with a personality like his, to be fair. Phoenix fans *do* get frustrated with his performances (MULTIPLE Phoenix fans full on HATE this man like he did something to them personally or as if he’s a bad person and has a shitty personality), and it doesn’t help to be seeing people calling you ‘soft’ on twitter and whatnot.

    Humans on this planet are drawn to negativity-it feels worse to feel bad than it feels great to feel good. It weighs down on them heavier, and rather than keeping an open mind and trying to find something positive-they zone in on the negativity, no matter *how* small and forget about the positivity-no matter *how* big.

  18. TheGreenLandEffect

    Could hear his voice breaking during that… i feel for the guy.

    Some people are saying he’s soft and cares too much about what other people think. It’s easy to not care about what a few random people think of you but none of us can comprehend that level of fame and what it feels like to have thousands and thousands of people talking shit about you.

    He’s only 24 years old, that’s gotta effect you massively – but he sounds like he has a good mindset.

  19. mycoffeeiswarm

    I would love to see Ayton get traded somewhere stable and competent, where he can rewrite his name.

    Being unfairly saddled with the blame for consecutive heavy failures has messed with his confidence, and imo he needs to refind himself either somewhere outside the spotlight, or somewhere with an established winning culture.

    Imagine Ayton somewhere like Golden State, where he can play a role right away and only expand it when he’s comfortable. There are experienced winners in the room to guide him, and enough accountability in losses that he doesn’t get a target on his back.

  20. CaptainONaps

    That’s hard to watch. I feel for the kid. But he’s got the right approach.

    It’s got to be hard to experience that. But I’ve seen plenty of athletes and celebrities just try to block it out or act like it doesn’t bother them. That doesn’t appear to work very well. DA is turning it into a learning experience. That’s tough but it can only improve his life, even if he doesn’t win them over.

  21. SeizureMode

    Yea, because he’s the softest center in the league. Only a matter of time before he takes his charmin ass to China

  22. CoachDT

    Dang that sucks. Ima have to rock with him from now on, hope he doesn’t let me down.

  23. CoverOpposite146

    Get off the social media, and just focus on hooping. I know he is lurking in these comments looking for advice

  24. Infiniteremix

    Ayton has the tools to be a force – just needs to get there mentally. Definitely don’t hate the guy; I’d love to see him succeed (with Dallas via trade, no offense Suns fans)

  25. Wondering_Nova

    I hope he gets traded to a team that will appreciate him. He’s a really good player that no one would be arguing shouldn’t have gone 1st overall if Luka wasn’t in the same draft class. Trae Young? I’d rather have Ayton if I’m drafting between those two coming out of college. The only other player I can think of that could be argued over Ayton (besides Luka and Young) would be SGA.

    Ayton doesn’t deserve the shit he’s getting. He’s a fine player that got schooled by Jokic when Jokic was schooling the entire league. It would be great to see him go to somewhere like Orlando or New Orleans where he would fit their timeline a little bit better and he could develope more along with the young guys on those teams. Hell, Spurs with Ayton and Victor would/should be a great front court too.

  26. beerrabbit124

    Damn I feel for him, millionaire athlete or not, you can’t buy happiness

  27. electricHats75

    Focused on the wrong thing. Worry about being better, not what people say about you.

  28. T4hunderb0lt

    This is shitty to hear. He’s a great center. Not going to pretend I know the Suns’ fanbase that well but I imagine there are plenty of fans there who love him.

  29. Breadbp

    You’ll always have fans back home no matter what. Don’t forget us. People talk about you every day. These kids look up to you

  30. tooobluuu

    True, the internet has made people intolerable

  31. musicnothing

    I live in Phoenix and he’s my family’s favorite player. I hope things turn around for him.

  32. goatnxtinline

    someone get this dude a hug and buy his jersey or something

  33. Scary-Strategy-4460

    For what it’s worth, I’m a fan lol

  34. Dom-Izzy

    I’m your fan Deandre! This was why I wanted him on the Pacers, less spotlight and less pressure where he can develop his game more comfortably

  35. Life-Dragonfly-8147

    Brave for confronting your fears in a mature way. You just made me a fan.

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