@Portland Trail Blazers

[Chiang] Someone that has knowledge of what’s going on is convinced that Portland doesn’t even want to trade Damian Lillard at this point. It almost feels like they’re trying to find a way to change his mind or delay this where Damian will say “Well, I’ll just be part of this.”

[Source: Anthony Chiang of the Miami Herald](

>Someone even told me — and I thought this was interesting, but I don’t even know if I buy it 100% — but someone that has knowledge of what’s going on is convinced that Portland doesn’t even want to trade Damian Lillard at this point. It almost feels like they’re trying to find a way to change his mind or delay this where Damian will say “Well, I’ll just be part of this.”

by Glad_Candidate2886


  1. DameDildo

    As I Blazers fan, I don’t want Damian Lillard to play. This is a rebuild, it’s time to move on. We had a decent run with Dame but it’s over.

    Don’t know why I prefaced this comment “as a blazers fan”. I thought I was in r/nba

  2. homersolo

    As a Blazer fan, I’m hoping that our trade efforts lead us to a trade of other pieces that convinces Dane to stay.

  3. TheCentralFlame

    Oh good a Miami local reporter is reporting unsourced information they don’t even think is true. At what point is this journalistic malpractice? Like why would you believe anything reported by the herald after this? I guess they admitted they didn’t have anything to report when they reported it, are there points awarded for that?

  4. Dtwerky

    Please no! We do not want him! We need a new era and a new identity! I do not want his style of play anywhere near these young guys. I want them to play fast and free, move the ball, actually TRY ON DEFENSE, play as a team, attack the basket.

    I do not want Scoot and Shae learning from Dame. I want Dame gone. His style of play is the largest factor in what stunted our growth every year in the playoffs. It doesn’t work. It doesn’t deliver playoff results. It does not get teammates involved.

    I want a team that values defense above everything. Dame being here would make that impossible.

  5. GaviFromThePod

    Miami Heat reporters the type to leave the water running when they brush their teeth

  6. Ace12773

    wow seems like a very credible source; “someone” who has “knowledge”

  7. BunkHammer

    They don’t want to trade Dame *at this point* because the offer isn’t good and it would be pointless to accept a deal right now

  8. urbanlife78

    I’m all for Dame changing his mind and staying

  9. RepresentativeAd6496

    The fanfic coming out of Miami is fascinating.

    They’re twisting themselves into knots and arriving at every conclusion other than the only logical one (that all Blazers fans and most around the league have already arrived at):

    Riley and the heat need to figure out a way to improve their offer.

  10. BFT_022

    That’s one way to lose your professional credibility.

  11. Twinkiebob_

    Idk man this like taking back the toxic ex at this point…

  12. Trombear

    We have no obligation to trade him this season. We need to either wait for him to decide to stay or for a desperate contender to decide to trade away their future to get him. We aren’t playing for anything serious this year. Anything less than the gobert package is just a waste of time imo

  13. Anim8nFool

    I really think that we finally have a decent starting team and a solid, solid bench. I mean, if we can convince Dame to give it a try we have Scoot as our back-up, and he can learn from Dame. I mean, if we can either get a solid back-up big for Nurk or a dependable replacement for Nurk then we’ve got something.

    Dame doesn’t see it that way — he just decided to ring chase in the absolute worst way (going to a finals team) — but maybe he can see the potential after a few weeks.

  14. Shepard_Wrex14

    I want this to happen just to see this sub try to walk back all the shit they talked

  15. GuyHomie

    This makes sense from a blazers FO standpoint. They had one of the better starting units last season and one of the worst bench units. Now they can add Scoot to the bench unit which is huge. And with Sharpe taking a step forward the last part of last season, their bench is looking noticeably better if Dame stays. I think blazers may be on to something by trying to convince Dame to stay. Imagine if in the next couple years they’re a dangerous playoff team, that would only add to Dames legacy.

    Heat fans in shambles. Absolutely in shambles. Love to see it.

  16. Kunundrum85

    Can we stop this shit until Jaime Jacques is available for trade? Clearly without adding him, Miami has nothing for us.

  17. durmduke

    That’s my preference, too. Make the team better this year and next and help Dame see the vision and timeline.

  18. BatSniper

    What if we make dames life a living hell so he goes, you know what trade me anywhere, I just need out of this city, so then we could trade him to okc for 4 first round pics and a few tall guys.

  19. zemoney123

    Yo as a neutral fan, why can’t the heat just up the offer? No offense, but a lot of heat fans are coming off as incredibly entitled right now, and it’s kinda cringey. Portland doesn’t owe the miami heat dame for 2 garbage contracts and a bunch of late first rounders. Improve the offer, potentially add jovic or jauquez, and perhaps portland will have more reason to listen

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