@Golden State Warriors

[95.7 The Game] “Draymond Green & Jonathan Kuminga’s non-relationship] is a problem and it can only be fixed by Draymond. The new contract implies the Warriors believe he can fix it, but around the league there are a lot of people saying ‘I don’t know.'” Monte Poole on @SteinyGuru957 .

[95.7 The Game] “Draymond Green & Jonathan Kuminga’s non-relationship] is a problem and it can only be fixed by Draymond. The new contract implies the Warriors believe he can fix it, but around the league there are a lot of people saying ‘I don’t know.'” Monte Poole on @SteinyGuru957 .

by Grafaap


  1. All5TonySpivey

    Why does everyone think you have to be friends with your teammates? šŸ˜‚šŸ¤·šŸæā€ā™‚ļø

  2. DeterminedTanjiro

    What does non relationship mean here, off the court? That doesnā€™t have to be a problem.

  3. rikitikifemi

    Washed up Draymond is the gift that keeps giving.

  4. throwaway___a_ccount

    So fucking sick and tired of draymonds bullshit. You get paid 33 million bucks a year, shut the fuck up and behave like a normal human being to your teamates

  5. dolphingarden

    They play the same spot. Kuminga has been complaining about playing time. Easy to see what the deal is.

  6. FoulPelican

    I think Draymond needs to go on more podcasts and talk more shitā€¦ thatā€™ll solve it.

  7. ProfessionalSpirit84

    Tf did Draymond do to Kuminga now? Lord

  8. Hungry-Act8691

    Trade the LeCock Sucker. Fucking triple single is not worth the headache at this stage

  9. zdachmann

    Monte’s quote is curious. He seems to suggest the league is aware of Draymond and JK’s problems, specifically, not just whatever general locker room issues still exist as a result of the punch.

  10. muzinger

    This sounds like some made up drama.

    “I’m not saying they hate each other, but have you ever seen them go to France together? Exactly.”

  11. ndlowprosb

    Iā€™m over it. Draymond should just stop trying to be some sort for mentor or figurehead for the team. He is not someone you look up to for guidance when it comes to being a professional and JK has every right to tell him to fuck off. Let CP3 handle the vet duties and we can let Draymond pretend heā€™s some sort of philosophical entity he thinks he is.

  12. arsene_0

    Is it really a problem though? Non-relationship doesnā€™t necessarily mean they donā€™t get along, just means they are not really friends. As long as they can still work together as teammates, I think itā€™ll be fine.

  13. paulsboutique

    So heā€™s talking shit about JP, JPā€™s dad, KG & JK
    – all in just one week.

    Say what you want about Dray but his commitment to creating content that keeps his name in the news is almost unrivaled in sports.

    If you gotta fill air time with needless BS – Dray is the gift that keeps on giving.

  14. Analyticsman24

    This is all about money. If Kuminga is good he will get a big deal and warriors wonā€™t need draymond. No one wants to train their replacement at any job. Same thing happened with Brady/Jimmy G. Poole punch felt money related as Dray complained and made a threat about his extension start of season as well.

  15. shualton

    This subā€™s ability to fall for out-of-context clickbait tweets is unparalleled

  16. imminentjogger5

    Draymond has a problem with Kuminga now too?

  17. Ok-Roof-978

    We living another day in the life of draymond.

    We’re still on episode 1.

    For episode 2: Draymond will cuss out Steve Kerr

  18. todudeornote

    I suspect that a lot of those rumors about JKs lack of work, bad altitude came from Dray. Dray is def a mixed blessing. Lost us one championship, helped us win 4, screwed up last year’s run…

    Even now adding the flames with his comments on JP – blaming JP as though there is anything JP could have said that would have justified that punch.

    I wish there were a way to replace him…

  19. taygads

    Draymond on Paul Georgeā€™s Podcast P episode he was on a couple weeks ago:

    “I think what [Chris Paul] would do for Jonathan Kuminga and unlocking Kuminga will be absolutely huge and I look forward to learning that from him he’s always been incredible at mentoring young guys and that is an area that I’ve wanted to grow in because it’s one that I kind of got thrusted into um in 2019 obviously we lost in the finals and then KD left and Klay got hurt and then Steph got hurt and I was just kind of thrust…Shaun retired, Andre got traded away all our vests left so all of a sudden I went from like the young guy on the team to like year eight of thrown into the fire of like being his mentor and like I’ve always been a mentor as it is but being a vet is a totally different thing than being a mentor right and so then I
    just start trying to learn how to be a vet on the fly and to have someone there that I can continue to watch and learn from I’m actually looking forward to because I know that that’s something that I need to continue to improve.”

    “I think we try to do it by committee you know obviously some guys you take a liking to more than others, some guys gravitate to you more than others right and it kind of just naturally ends up taking its shape but um it’s something that I’ve actually tried to be more aware of. AV, who’s one of our assistant coaches, helped me understand last year is like I felt like I was struggling with Kuminga a bit, more so struggling like what am I doing wrong not necessarily what he’s doing wrong but what am I doing wrong and AV, who has a great relationship with him, told me he said “Do you know him?” That’s a deep question and I was like huh, do you know him like that’s interesting, because now that you say that I start thinking about what it means to know someone and I don’t know him, yet I’m trying to lead him…how can you lead somebody if you don’t know them, you don’t spend any time with them off to court, you don’t know what makes them tick. I was like Ah! I gotta get to know this kid and now I understand okay I need to continue to do that. Like, you can’t get so lost in life right to where you stop doing those things that I know create success especially in leading, mentoring, and you know being that vet for someone. Those are the things you have to do so it really opened my eyes and I’ve been trying to do a much better job with that, checking in on him. I’m hoping to get together with him this summer but I can say like that’s um that caused some of our issues, trying to lead guys and not knowing them, I lost some of that and have to get it back.”

    Time-stamped link to the segment [here](

    It would be really cool if the media that covers our team did their basic due diligence, like say watching interviews that the players they cover do to see if maybe they directly provide insight into the very topics theyā€™re covering, instead of trying to foster drama and narratives out of nowhere.

  20. anesthesiologist2

    Can we get a report on how Klay, Looney, Wiggins, and Curry are with Kuminga as well while weā€™re at it?

  21. untouchable765

    > “but around the league there are a lot of people saying ‘I don’t know'”

    This sounds like some made up crap.

  22. that_oneguy-

    Ofc kuminga is wary of draymond, look at the example he made out of Poole. The teams vibes will never be the same and apparently hasnā€™t even remotely healed.

  23. Hebrewhammer8d8

    Translation: When the Core 3 are gone or less effective it is going to rough season.

  24. Key_Success_7452

    Who doesnā€™t have a problem with Draymond? Iā€™ll wait

  25. thee177

    Op this a terrible quote. Very misleading and out of context. Are you trying to stir shitttt up?

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